If you are allergic and have consumed it then you might get affected by skin rashes. Although proponents of Aloe Vera juice advocate the benefits, the herb also brings a multitude of possible harmful side effects. Copyright © 2012 - 2020 by Aloe Vera HQ.com. As with any oral substance, individuals planning to consume Aloe Vera juice should consult a physician before doing so, because the chemicals housed within the gel and latex of Aloe Vera juice have the ability to interact with a variety of medications, supervision by a licensed physician comes strongly recommended. Aloe vera juice can decrease blood sugar, and this could cause a problem with diabetes medications (1). Women who are pregnant or nursing should refrain from consuming Aloe Vera Juice due to the possibility of birth defects as well as possible chemical contamination during the production of breast milk. So just ensure that it is actually a side effect of drinking aloe vera juice and only then you need to stop or reduce the dosage. Despite the many health benefits, there are some potential side effects to drinking aloe vera juice that must be taken into consideration, including its laxative effects, negative interactions with certain medications, skin inflammation, allergic reactions, complications with pregnancy and diabetes, and possible effects on the heart. Aloe Vera manufactures in the form of a concentrated powder or gel compound as well as a liquid juice. In addition to the abdominal pain and extreme diarrhea this laxative might cause, ingesting aloe vera juice may also cause malabsorption of nutrients and medication and loss of electrolytes, specifically potassium. Ayurvedic texts refer to aloe vera as “pleehahara” and “yakrut … Do … Well, just like every other natural product out there, aloe vera also comes with its own set of side effects. All Rights Reserved. These same enzymes can cause irregular metabolism, providing the ability to interfere and adversely interact with other drugs. The Polysaccharides found in Aloe Vera juice transport white blood cells to the immune system, strengthening the body’s resistance levels. Women who are lactating should also completely avoid consuming aloe vera juice since it contains certain irritant and purgative agents. Irritable Bowel Movement: Usually, it is said that the gel can be good when consumed and can also … The latex content present in aloe vera juice is quite harmful and can cause some serious problems like hemorrhoids. The cooling sensation takes effect almost immediately, and usually helps to relieve the problem. 1. Today, tropical climate regions of Asia, Europe, Africa and portions of the United States cultivate, harvest and manufacture the plant for a multitude of uses. Aloe latex can cause stomach pain and cramps. Consuming Aloe Vera juice over a particular duration of time may deregulate normal potassium levels, which can lead to a condition known as "hypokalemia.". As some manufacturers use a leaf pulping system, the final Aloe Vera juice may contain a mixture of both latex and gel derivatives. A side effect of aloe vera juice is it may lower blood sugar levels. It might be safe when appropriate doses are taken orally for a short time.Aloe latex or whole-leaf extract taken orally might be unsafe and is likely unsafe in high doses. The reason behind this caution is that aloe vera can cause the blood sugar levels to go down. Therefore, we are telling you the method of making aloe vera juice and the right way to drink it. It would be ideal to stop consuming the juice if you are vomiting because of it. Aloe gel is generally considered safe when appropriately applied to the skin. According to MedlinePlus. Surprised? It is highly advisable for you to undergo monitoring to avoid electrolyte imbalance. "The only thing that doesn't find presence in aloe vera is Vitamin D," shares Dr. Gautam.Aloe vera juice is easily available in the market. These chemicals have the ability to multiply damaged cancer-causing cells within the colon. The latex within Aloe Vera also contains estrogen-like chemicals. Drinking aloe vera juice is safe when you are ingesting appropriate amounts. Sometimes when you leave the aloe vera juice exposed for too long, it will go off. We hope you will keep all these side effects in mind the next time you want to consume aloe vera juice. The laxative present in aloe vera can interfere with certain medications because of which you will not be able gain the complete effect of the prescribed drugs. People with bleeding disorders should take notice of the fact that consuming aloe vera juice might result in aggravating your bleeding disorder. Aloe vera juice is marketed as a type of cleanse. Social Activist & Yoga Trainer. Diarrhea can lead … Stomach discomfort is one of the most common side effects of drinking aloe vera juice. There are people who might be allergic to aloe vera. Further laboratory studies indicate an increase in carcinogens located within the bowels as well. If you are on some specific medications, then you need to talk to your doctor before consuming aloe vera juice. Consuming it can make your condition worse. The latex can cause excessive cramps and pain in the tummy. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Aloe latex might also have the potential to cause cancer. With an impressively lengthy history dating as far back as the first century AD, the Aloe Vera plant, originating in the hot climates of Africa, takes its name from the Arabic term “alloeh”, referring to “bitter substance” and the Latin term “vera”, meaning “true”. To avoid any health complications, it seems best to follow the FDA’s lead and ban aloe latex from your diet. The advantages of aloe vera juice are numerous, but its benefits will only effect until it is drunk correctly. Treats Constipation. Aloe Vera is excellent for skin care. A perennial herb, the Aloe Vera plant consists of several natural components within the botanical structure: Vitamins:Beta Carotene - (Vitamin A), Thiamine - (Vitamin B), Niacin – (Vitamin B3), Riboflavin – (Vitamin B2), Pyridoxine (Vitamin B5, B6), Vitamin C, Folic Acid and B complex, Vitamin B12, Enzymes:Lipase, Peroxidase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Carboxypeptidase, Aliiase, Amylase, Catalase and Cellulase, Amino Acids:Methionine, Valine, Tryptophan, Arginine, Isoleucine, Histidine, Lysine, Leucine, and Phenylalanine, Anthraquinones:Aloe-emodin, aloin and aloe latex, Monosaccharides:Natural sugars of Fructose and GlucosePolysaccharides: Glucomannan – soluble dietary fiber, Sterols:Campesterol, Stigmasterol, Sitosterol, HDL Cholesterol, Saponins:Steriodal glycoside and Triterpeniod, Lignins:Biocompound component extracted from the cell wall of the plant, Salicylic Acid: Form of Peholic Acid and Beta Hydroxy Acid. Potassium aids in healthy cell membranes. This unique characteristic allows the herb to thrive in extreme arid climates. Anthraquinones are usually removed from commercial aloe products as they can cause adverse health effects like cramping and diarrhea. Aloe vera can either be taken by mouth or by applying it on the skin. Products which are made from aloe leaves will contain certain amounts of latex. So keep yourself and yur baby safe by staying away from aloe vera juice during your breastfeeding period. The consumption of aloe vera juice should be monitored closely in people who have hearts disorders or electrolyte abnormalities.
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