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Lincoln: I never have feelings for Taylor, and she never has feelings for me and whoever she hangs out with is none of your business! The Loud House is created by Chris Savino and is owned by Nickelodeon and Viacom. The Loud House is created by Chris Savino and is owned by Nickelodeon and Viacom. Lynn: SoTaylor was manipulated the whole time, I need to report this to Principal Ramirez. They quickly ran after him to stop him from ending his life. But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav crossoverfanfiction. She is one of Lily 's classmates. Principal Ramirez: Ah, Taylor, it's so nice to see you here, what seems to be the problem? SoulKiller13. Anderson: I dont know, but I too have the same questionWhy? (Anderson picks him up by the shirt and threatens to punch him, luckily Principal Ramirez saw the whole thing and scolds the two bullies). Lynn >offscreen, in office< FIRED!?!?!?!?! (Mr. Chong shows Taylor a window and they have watched Taylor sending troll texts on her phone as she started to bully other kids, then she laughed as she keeps trolling them, Taylor was in shock as she herself became a cyberbully, she looks away in fear). Anderson: >to Taylor< Oh, okay, we missed you, so what do you say we head back to class? Taylor: Man itself is the monster depending on his or her action, sometimes whatever action can affect everyone elses lives, but at times, we admit our mistakes and then we learn from them. Principal Ramirez: >to Taylor< That's great, it seems to me that you are heading down the right path, I appreciate that you are making great progress, >to Lincoln< And Lincoln, I assume that you've known Taylor right? Chandler: >teasing Lincoln< I see London, I see France, I see Lamecoln's underpants! Lincoln: >to Taylor< Allow me to give you the grand tour. You got guns than you go to jail! (The School officer escorted the two bullies off the building, Taylor turned to Lincoln and reached her hand to him, he grabs her hand and she lifts him up, Lincoln gave her a heartwarming hug). Mr. Chong: Welcome to our school's anti bullying program, I'm your host, Mr. Chong, that's like me by the way, before we get started, I thought maybe we try out our first lesson, each lesson will last for about five days a week, if you pass, you are like free to go, first, meditate with me. Taylor: Im not kidding, Im done with you guys bullying others just because they are younger or smaller than you, look at yourselves you're eighth graders, just like me and Lynn! She is one of Lily 's classmates. (See the end of the work for more notes.) Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< Ah, Mr. McCann, so nice of you to be here on time, unlike last week. Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? WebThe bully Chapter 1: worst enemy, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lincolns P.O.V. That's when my mom walked in and Lori left the room. Episode Information Gallery Script Categories Languages Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Appearance Audrey is a toddler girl with light skin, short dirty blonde hair, two pairs of eyelashes and a single tooth. Lynn: Okay, no to prove that I Lynn Loud am a better hall monitor. Principal Ramirez: Wait, I almost forgot, >to Lynn< Come here please! (It starts at an exterior of The Loud House, day; Lori is searching in her room for her cell-phone) LORI: I been literally searching my whole room! Taylor: Oh, raw meat can be a problem sometimes, say um, you got anything interesting for lunch that you are having that we can trade? +5 more. Lincoln: It's like what Lynn said, the principal doesn't care about her students but herself, she's always to occupied. Pablo: >to Lincoln< Yeah, enjoy your flush kid! (As Taylor was the first along with Anderson and Pablo got in the cafeteria, they all seen Lincoln getting brutally pinned to the floor by Lynn, Anderson and Pablo laughed, but Taylor gets into another flash back of herself as a fifth grader going on to be a sixth grader, where she was bullied by her abusive big brother while her parents are away). Mr. Chong: I think you just wrapped up the first lesson. (Lincoln gulped, it cuts back to the present with Lincoln angry at Lynn for not helping). (Taylor and Mr. Chong were in meditation and Mr. Chong shows her windows of her still hanging around with the same two bullies asking other students for money and other of their personal items). Anderson: Very well, if thats the way you want it! Loud of Time-Skip by StaidAlarm42056. Some of his sisters watched him running away. LANA: (kind) It's what siblings do, Lincoln Running Away. which is about hunting ghosts. Principal Ramirez: You're both welcome, now go outside and wait for your parents, I'll see you tomorrow. This better not be a trick, I know what you are going to do next, flip me over, wedgie, wet willy--. Taylor: >to Principal Ramirez< Thank you, >to Lincoln< Come on buddy. Lincoln and Cameron are in Mr. Mooney's class learning about The Spanish Flu.) Anderson: >to Taylor< You just got back with us, you still consider him your little boyfriend pedophile? (While Mr. Mooney is still teaching, Cameron and Lincoln are talking to each other.) Lynn: News flash bro, you aren't in elementary school anymore, you are in middle school now, you got to learn to do things all on your own! (Mr. Chong snaps a mirror and Taylor sees her reflection). (Pablo imitates Lincoln acting like a crybaby). Lynn: >annoyed, to Anderson and Pablo< Why don't you chumps leave me alone!?!? You make me sick! Here is my 29th fanfiction. Taylor: I did, but unfortunately, someone else his own grade started to pick on him and beat me to it. (which might be the worst fanfiction ever) In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. By: ed edd n eddy IN MINECRAFT Rated: Fiction T - English - Horror - Chapters: 26 - Words: 20,629 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 26 - Updated: Oct 31, 2017 - Published: Sep 29, 2017 - Status: Complete - id: Lincoln: Thank you Taylor, you are my hero. (Anderson grabs him by the shirt, Lincoln is scared). Lincoln: Tell me about it, youve beaten me several times, and you didnt even give me a chance. Seventh Grade Boy #2: Dude, that is like so cool, you have like the best weapons out there, I wish I could shoot with you. (The bullies continued to mock and tease him while Lincoln was rolling his eyes, then this afternoon, Anderson tripped him as Pablo picked him up as Taylor cracked her knuckles ready to punch him). Principal Ramirez: Lynn, you literally twisted another students arm, even if it's your brother, you still cannot abuse them, and it's not just Lincoln, it's other sixth and seventh graders who are complaining, your job was to give tickets to students who disrespect the rules of the school hallway and report them to me, not aggressively torture them under your own free will! Mark my words, you all havent seen the last of us! Mr. Chong: Well, I see that you are making excellent progress, now are you ready for lesson two? (Taylor left the guidance office as she was on the road to quitting bully life, later at the front entrance of the school, both Lincoln and Taylor were waiting for their parents to pick them up). Principal Ramirez wants to talk to you. (It starts at an exterior of The Loud House, day; Lori is searching in her room for her cell-phone) LORI: I been literally searching my whole room! Stella: >to Lincoln< I just can't believe she transferred you to Canada. (At Mr. Chong's guidance office, Taylor was sitting in front of Mr. Chong's desk as they are talking about progress in Taylor's redemption). Pablo: >to Taylor< Oh wait, that's right, Lynn stole his breakfast burrito. Principal Ramirez: Have you and the two boys been bullying him again? (Taylor gives Lincoln a large chocolate chip cookie in a bag). Lincoln: You were just having some trouble. (Anderson and Pablo turned around and saw Principal Ramirez and the school officer behind them), Anderson: P-p-p-p-p-p-Principal Ramirez, what a surprise, I was just--. That's when my mom walked in and Lori left the room. Lincoln: >to Taylor< Not this time Taylor, I have to fight him, my sister Lynn says I have to fight my way out of this. (The Troll then throws Lincoln off the edge of the cliff, Lincoln falls and screams, he wakes up breathing, he checks on his body and it was still on, he then went back to sleep, the next morning, Lincoln got on the bus while escorted by Lynn as placed him on his seat next to Clyde). Lincoln: I don't ever want to be around her anymore if she keeps acting like a bully more than a caring sister, Why can't she be as nice as Lori, Leni or Luna? Anderson and Pablo shared a maniacal laugh, Lynn on the other hand had witnessed what is going on, she gasped as she was going to take action), Lynn: Oh no, these two boys are going after my family, I got to teach them a, (Lynn stopped and remembered what the officer told her). After all of that?!?! Anderson: >to Lincoln< Are you ready twerp? Mr. Chong: Of course, there are at least thirty lessons, you got twenty five more to go. Taylor: Oh, I think I got something in my eye, I'll be back in a bit. I expect comments. Lynn Sr.: That's still no excuse, your job was to take care of Lincoln when he's in middle school. +5 more. WebHere my very first fanfiction. Taylor: >to Anderson< What are you talking about? Principal Ramirez: Taylor, Im very proud of you, for standing up to your fellow underclassman, youve now gained trust of all of the students in this school, and therefore, youve earned this badge. Principal: Ah, Taylor and Lincoln, so nice of you both walking in unharmed, >to Taylor< How was your first lesson? (It later cuts to Lynn at the Principals office where Lynn is giving her a report on the boys scheme). Some of his sisters watched him running away. Zach: >to Lincoln< I kinda feel sorry for you dude. He's your brother! Lincoln: >exclaims in disgust< Ugh, Brussel Sprout casserole, my least favorite of my Dad's dishes. Taylor: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, its not my fault, I didnt know this was going to happen, Ill take you back home and explain everything. Sisters: YEAH! Kidnapped Caper Chapter 1 Unexpected Meeting, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. (Taylor and Mr. Chong stopped their meditation and resumed to the real world). Taylor: Yes, I was wrong to do that, while I was a bully at that time, but deep down in my heart, I knew it was wrong. (Both Anderson and Pablo cackled silently, he speaks to Taylor pretending that she succeeded). (They both hang up and go back to fullscreen with Lincoln in his bedroom as he is reading his comic books including another Pacific Rim issue, the next day, Taylor was in the guidance office with Mr. Chong as he teaches Taylor on taking advantage of others is plain wrong). Pablo: >to Lincoln< Yeah, you cant make friends with a bully! (The other sisters except Lynn came surrounding Lincoln). Aladdin, The Good Dinosaur and The Jungle Book is owned and created by Pixar and the Walt Disney Company. Lincoln was in the kitchen helping his mother cook. Taylor: Thank you sir, are there still any more lessons to learn? Taylor: >to Principal Ramirez< Principal Ramirez, I assure you, I was not harming or harassing the boy, I was standing up to him. Mr. Chong: I see, but tell me this, how do you think they feel when you took advantage of them when you are stealing something from them? WebNo one was especially cruel to him so he accepted cruelty as a part of life. Lincoln: Thanks guys, you are the best, I'll introduce you to her one day. (It starts at our school, the bell rings, and Lincoln walks in to Mrs. Johnsons class.) Anderson: No matter, we'll get him next time, we still got the whole day until we beat him. Mr. Chong: Yes, pretty pitiful huh? School Officer: Sorry isnt good enough for you young lady, this is the second time you have been aggressive, this time to an officer, if I see you messing with anybody out by the hallway one more time, you will be suspended, understand? Mr. Bolhofner: Oh Loud, I didn't expect you to be so early. Principal Ramirez: >to Taylor< Thanks Taylor, >to Anderson and Pablo< Anderson, Pablo, for bullying others and manipulating others, you both are hereby expelled from this school for the rest of the school year, and you have to restart your eighth grade year next year. I watch documentaries with Lisa all the time, she says watching documentaries is a part of education, all I can ever do is watch A.R.R.G.H.! Chandler: >scoffs, to Mr, Bolhofner< Whatever, >to Lincoln< Well well, hello Lincoln Lame, miss your eighth grade buddy? They quickly ran after him to stop him from ending his life. Taylor: Whats gotten into me? Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. When the girls meet Lincoln and his sisters, escapades abound! WebThe Loud House Month Of Horror! WebIn a post-apocalyptic world, Lori Loud, the only survivor of the Loud family, struggles to stay alive. Anderson: >to Taylor< I said get out of the way so I can punch him. Lincoln: Ill ask my parents if its alright, though I will understand if they say No. Leni: >to Lincoln< I'm so glad you aren't on that bus anymore. Mr. Chong: Okay, we will end this lesson if you ask. Taylor: And if they ever give you any trouble, you let me know, and If Im not here, then get someone else that will help you. Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln and Lucy Loud are both in a secret forbidden incestous relationship. Luna: I bet its Tabby, shes been wanting to see you again. Taylor: Greeting Royal Woods Kangaroos Im Taylor, you may know me as the bully on the bus, or the hallway, I want to make a quick apology, the reason why I was bullied was because someone on my family bullied me at a young age, and because I was prepared for middle school, I had to defend myself against anyone who would pick on me, after that, everyone was scared of me, except Anderson and Pablo, the wrong group that I accidentally ran with, they manipulated me into doing something I wasnt supposed to do, and I owe everyone a huge apology and I deserve a second chance, but I would like to inform everyone that being an eighth grader is a lot of hard work and discipline, as eighth graders, its our responsibility to lead all sixth and seventh graders down the right path and have them make the right decisions, if we were to lead them the wrong path, then we would set a bad example for them, just because someone older than you bullies you, doesnt mean that you should bully others, and I have learned my lesson, any continuation of a bully may cause others to have depression, low self esteem, low peer pressure and suicidal thoughts and bullying is the number one causes of these consequences, so my motto is, Be a buddy, not a Bully, this is Taylor signing off. Principal Ramirez: I think you would make a better Hall Monitor than Lynn. (Taylor left the guidance office and walked back to her classroom, in the hallway, one of the sixth graders was trying to go to the bathroom, but it turns out that he had a comic book in his pocket that he wanted to take out, so Lynn spied on him). WebA/N: Hello everyone, I give you my Loud House fanfic. You really saved my skin. This is the worst! (Anderson releases Lincoln, Lincoln landed on his rear and gets behind Taylor, Taylor pats his head in kindness but keeps her eye on the bullies). Anderson: >to Taylor< There you are Taylor, where have you been? (The same bullies were looking at them as they were snickering ready to strike by the time they get off the bus, in the locker hallway, Lincoln was trying to open his locker, Taylor was the one that was sneaking up from behind him, until Lincoln was getting tortured by not Taylor but Chandler who just pantsed him by pulling down his pants showing his Ace Savvy underwear). To end his miserable life. crossover. Rita: Thanks to you young lady, you are grounded for the rest of the month. Taylor's brother: Okay you big baby, here's how we are going to do together, while Mom and Dad are away, let's playuncle. You ok? I also wanted to give a big thanks to AnimationFan15 for giving me the title, "Loud's Eleven." Loud, I want to apologize for bullying your son, I was manipulated into doing things I wasn't supposed to do, he didnt deserve that much treatment from any of us, I was wrong to bully him, I want to start over and take care of him like I supposed to, Im an eighth grader, as an eighth grader, its supposed to be my responsibility to lead others into the right path and make great decisions, and not lead them to the wrong path and make the wrong decisions. Chapter 2: Bully Killer, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The Loud House Month Of Horror! LENI: Yeah, Im fine. Oh my gosh, I hadn't had Grilled Cheese in like forever. If I start a fight, Ill get suspended, Dad was right, I shouldnt have to be so rough on him, I should have protected him, I know what I need to do, and I must to the right thing, I have to report this to Principal Ramirez and hopefully shell give me my job back. WebLynner or Loser. Lincoln: >angered< What happened to me? Lincoln: >to Anderson< What are you talking about? (Lincoln sat in his seat, Chandler was the next to come in). I got into the show recently and have been inspired to create stories for this show. However, when they are discovered they are forced to go on the run. I'll tell you what happened, this is the fifth time this week I've been bullied by these eighth graders! Lincoln and Cameron are in Mr. Mooney's class learning about The Spanish Flu.) Lincoln: But that doesnt make you adults yet, you are still kids! Lincoln: >to Taylor, shocked and annoyed< You lied to me? (At the Loud House, as Lincoln was asking his parents about Taylor coming over they both replied to him). Taylor: I thought maybe we could chat on video chat since I did find you and you are indeed my new buddy, what did you have for dinner tonight? Anderson: Dont worry about her, now that shes fired as Hall Monitor, our problems with her are finally over, we are free to bully any kid that gets in our way. Lynn the Bully by KrDoz on DeviantArt Add to Favourites Comment More by Watch Suggested Deviants Watch Lynn the Bully Published: Mar 31, 2017 By KrDoz Watch 89 Favourites 101 Comments 12K Views loudhouse theloudhouse lynnloud lincolnloud Is Lynn a bully or is Lincoln just a wimp? Luna: Dont you even think about taking Sam away from me. WebNo one was especially cruel to him so he accepted cruelty as a part of life. [passes by his classmates as they give him Pablo: Oh, pretending to be a friend to that white haired chump and picking on the babies later on is pure genius. Mr. Chong: You are dismissed, I'll see you tomorrow at one, peace dude! *Laughs* (The Bullies leave) LENI: *Tearing up* I guess I will give this dress to a friend *Sobbing* (Leni arrives home, Luna was watching TV with Lynn and they saw Leni crying) LUNA: Hey, Dude. Lincoln: When you live in a large family, youll get used to it. Taylor: >to Lincoln< I wish I could have tried one of your Dad's dishes for lunch, wanna trade? Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln and Lucy Loud are both in a secret forbidden incestous relationship. Guidance Counselor: Oh, hey dudette, what can I do for you? Lisa: Based upon my calculations, I have been hearing conversations that you and some girl that you have become street name friends, and it pains for me to say this, but you are in facto dating this older girl. Taylor: >to Rita< Mrs. Principal Ramirez: >to Anderson and Pablo< Boys, leave the kid alone, if I ever see you hurt this boy again or I get a report on you two again, I will have you expelled for the rest of the semester, I have told you both over and over, bullying is not allowed in school grounds, this is your final warning! Now that's something you don't see everyday. (Hours later, Taylor learned another lesson from Mr. Chongs Anti-bullying program, she left the office, only to bump into Anderson and Pablo who stopped her). Understand?! (As before Taylor opened her eyes and has returned to the real world and everything was back to normal). (Taylor then rubbed his head in an act of kindness, later their respected rides came as both of the students separate from each other and got on each of their respected rides, Lincoln got home as he was expected to play his game by the living room TV, but the twins were watching a show about princess frogs, a show that they both got interested in recently, Lincoln shrugged off and let his little sisters enjoy their show, he walks upstairs to read a new "Pacific Rim" comic series he recently bought from a comic book store that opened up at the mall, he then finishes up the the first three issues of the comic series, later he finds the couch unclaimed as he is ready to play his game, he turns on his PS4 and starts up a platformer game, for the next forty minutes, Lynn Sr. called to them). Rita: Lincoln, I think it was sweet of you to help me cook dinner tonight. Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn, offscreen< Sorry sweetie, you know the procedure! LOLA: Now, get out of here! Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< Junior, Why didn't you bother helping him? Rita: Ah Taylor, welcome to our house, Im Rita, and this is my husband Lynn Sr. of Lynns table. Taylor: Sorry you had to deal with them, but you are right about one thing, they have no control over me. LOLA: Now, get out of here! Anderson: >to Pablo< Dont be, >to Lincoln< Stay away from Taylor, shes ours, she should have never befriended a baby like you, that would make her a pedophile if she keeps hanging around babies like you! (They brought up a thought bubble of Taylor being a giant and beating up Lincoln and his younger sisters as she cackles, the thought bubble disappears and they go on with their plan). (Anderson pretends to cry like a baby, Pablo joins in as they both chuckled, they stopped and then turn to him one last time), (Lincoln didnt move a muscle or said a word, he just stood there on the ground). Lincoln: Some friend she is, and yet she didnt even bother to back me up, I know there is some good in her somewhere, the bullies are manipulating her into doing something she wasnt supposed to do, I guess me and Taylor arent friends anymore because of this incident. Lincoln then exits the bathroom all clean, but notices the van missing. His biggest fear came true, all of his sisters turning on him. (Lincoln had shown Taylor the Basement, Kitchen, Dining Room, Backyard, Stairs, Bathroom, Attic and then they got to the bedrooms). Lincoln: Guys, theres nothing to be worried about, as soon as Taylor leaves and you get to know her, everything will be better. Taylor: Yes, he picked on me since child birth, all because I was the runt of the litter, we may not have the best relationship, but he is my brother after all, he used to push me around, shove my face down the toilet, bruise my arm, gave me a wedgie Lincoln: >interrupts Taylor, rolls eyes< Been there! (Leni come into Lori room to see why (Taylor just sighed as she admits that she missed her best friends that she grew up with, and she made a mistake by hanging out with the wrong crowd). WebLynner or Loser. Rita: >to Lincoln< So Lincoln, How was school? Mr. Chong: We don't always see things the way they really are, take a look in the mirror, what do you see? WebLola: Everyone would be better off if you never bothered anyone again! (As Taylor and Lincoln were about to walk to class, Principal Ramirez stopped them). (Taylor laughs at him and walked away, chef Pat gives him left-over Brussel sprout casserole making him feel nauseous over it, Thursday, as Lincoln was getting to the bathroom to whizz, Anderson grabbed him and shoves his face by the toilet). Mr. Mooney: In 1918, The Spanish Flu became one of the most deadliest influenza pandemic caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus. Enjoy! Lola: >gasps, to other sisters sans Lynn< You guys, Lincoln has got a girlfriend! Lynn: Youre welcome Principal Ramirez, now that Ive learned my lesson, you think I could get my job back as Hall monitor? It was a typical day morning on 1216 Franklin Avenue. Young Anderson: You seem to be a bully to your own kind, wanna join our group? That's not even fair!!! When Rita finds her old high school bully, she starts to befriend her after claiming to have changed. This is the worst! Mr. Chong: Yes, and you also failed to tell them that you are in charge of your own life and decisions, you have let them take control over you, you should never let them do what you dont want to do, and based upon evidence, you have been helping them steal food, toys, money and homework, what kind of a student would you be if you keep bullying others? Taylor: Take my advice, stay with the same group you trust and dont fall in with the wrong crowd or you will become a bully. Taylor: You know, I never even get to meet her. Lynn Sr.: Not only that, you are hereby temporarily restrained from Lincoln after what you did to him. Taylor: You sleep here with barely any light? Taylor: >to Anderson and Pablo< SHUT UP!!!! Lynn: Thats right, I cant be harassing people. The Sister Role Reversal. Pablo: >to Taylor< Yeah, the teacher's waiting on us. But then Ronnie Anne came and all of that changed in the twinkling of an eye. Loud Family (The Loud House) Incest. Taylor: Speaking of which, I would like to meet your family, of course I already know who Lynn is. But then Ronnie Anne came and all of that changed in the twinkling of an eye. Mr. Chong: That would be fine, lesson over. WebExplore Episodes More Community in: Banned episodes, Episodes, The Loud House Season 5 Episodes English No Bus No Fuss View source Not to be confused with its book adaptation. Appearance Audrey is a toddler girl with light skin, short dirty blonde hair, two pairs of eyelashes and a single tooth. (Anderson and Pablo looked at each other then they snapped at Taylor). Taylor: I realized it now, I dont want to end up like this, I want a better future than this, I dont want to set up anymore bad examples for anyone, I want them to be better than this, I want to start my life all over again. (The seventh grade boys were shaking in fear as Lynn was the one that intimidated them). Lincoln: Thanks, but, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? Lynn Sr.: Standing up to a bully is one thing, but encouraging others to fight their way out is a serious no-no, fighting is never the answer to anything, especially at school. WebThe bully Chapter 1: worst enemy, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lincolns P.O.V. (After gym class, Lincoln was looking for Lynn, but he couldnt find her, eventually he goes to his locker and gets ready for his next class, until three shadows approach him). Soon, he made it to his destination. Taylor: >to Lincoln< Im sorryLincoln. Taylor: >to Anderson and Pablo< What Im trying to say is, as eighth graders, its our job to lead sixth and seventh graders down the right path and make good decisions, if we bully them and lead them down the wrong path, they will make bad decisions, I was wrong to make bad decisions, I never should have joined up with you guys, the main reason why I bullied others was because my big brother bullied me and I made things worse for everybody, I want to change, and you guys forced me into doing things I dont want to do, you have no right to control me into doing something that wasnt nice, from now on, I make my own decisions and I no longer want to associate with the both of you, we are done being friends, by my friendship with Lincoln has just begun, say what you want about me, but Im not going to fight any of you, because fighting is not the answer to anything!

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