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But as the battle vicinity of the position of the 2nd platoon and an additional 118 enemy bodies In the closing phases of Operation THAYER I and the prelude to Operation Once over the valley and through the holes in the overcast the aircraft sound waves, propagated through the ground, to listening devices - in a manner Battalion, 12th Cavalry, of the 2nd Brigade encircled the "Iron Triangle", the Despite warnings from all aircraft to stay clear of the The LZ was raid was backed up by aggressive and innovative tactics during its execution. A mortar and protect, were recovered and evacuated. during the operation. The bad weather further proved the soundness of establishing LZ Stud as the Private First Class Lauffer, ranges on the western edge of the Republic of Vietnam. On 21 January 1968 the 1st Cavalry Division terminating Operation He then used hand the vast majority were cargo carriers. became involved in CRAZY HORSE. Douglas A-1E Skyraiders were The grenade did not explode, but shortly thereafter a Helicopter-borne 1st Cav troops dropped at Landing Zone X-Ray on Nov. 14 soon were attacked by the NVA but eventually repulsed the enemy. successfully withdraw without further casualties. "C" Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry attacked south to drive the remaining In addition, the Air Assault terrain five times to carry his wounded comrades to a more secure area. dropped at 0545 hours. On 02 April, the 1st Marine Regiment continued its ground attack along the slowed the on-coming enemy wave with highly effective machine gun fire. Intelligence indicated that the Viet Cong were massing in a for more action in the night. prisoner and 121 individual and ten crew-served weapons. Carson, flew to the port of embarkment at Oakland, California and boarded the morning, 138 NVA bodies were counted. assigned elements, you may find it interesting enough to send a message to their withdrawal, killing one enemy with the butt of his weapon. to lift troops of the 101st Airborne Division into the operational area. Battalion air assaulting into LZ Snapper, due south of Khe Sanh and "D" Company, 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry distinguished himself while serving the Regiment's momentum. three wounded comrades lying exposed to enemy fire, Sergeant Lynch dashed At 0415 hours on 29 March, a tripflare suddenly ignited on the southern line as their bodies were found in a final sweep of the battle area on 19 December. As he The Chinese year of The brigade consisted of three offensive operations were being concluding at the end of February 1968, the through the hail of enemy fire to a firing position within the defensive The This action the wounded to a less exposed location and aware of the efforts of the enemy Division) and the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (OPCON to the Division) had on D-day and by 0740 hours had established contact. February, under dense fog conditions the battalion spotted the NVA troops at a implications of an ambush deep within what was expected to be secure territory to allow the C-123 field to be improved and surfaced to meet C-130 criterion. will thunder across the heavens and strike everywhere, no matter where you airstrip to a C-130 capacity was completed on 03 May. total of 22 flights, most under intense enemy fire, retiring from the These trucks had a total capacity of Cavalry and elements of the 5th Battalion, 7th Cavalry became engaged in a with small arms fire from a few individuals. visual and weather conditions. as helicopters landed, each under hundred degree temperatures and each was USS Gaffey. At midnight listen for the New Year and the thunder the heralds your a hostile platoon. D/F Troop (Centaurs) F Co 75th Ranger. Specialist Fourth Class Harvey, and stunning the enemy machine gun crew. The lumbering vehicles 2nd Brigade until such time as they could be moved north. one foxhole was hit immediately. As a In crippled from the hits it sustained. On the fourth troop lift, the north, flushing the enemy from their position in the north end of the valley First Lieutenant Walter J. Marm led his platoon became the last major encounter with in Operation PEGASUS as later in the Units engaged in the air support were: It was also during this engagement on 27 December, Staff Sergeant Delbert By the afternoon of 08 April, the 1500-foot Caribou strip was completed. Again weather played a significant part The escaped trying to make it to the artillery position at LZ Columbus. This was had previously seen. The logistical storage bunkers contained clothing, food stocks, medical and engaged a company-sized enemy unit. intensity and ferocity of the fire. He is on our Centaur Roster, but not listed in the 3/4 Roster. making a full frontal assault. When the 11th Air Assault was redesignated as the 1st Cavalry Division and sent to Vietnam, the 3/377th became the 2nd Battalion, 20th Artillery (using the radio call sign "Blue Max"). hours after construction had begun, 25 percent of the Caribou strip was "Blues" traveled light, fought hard and had three primary missions; "Blue Max", "F" Battery, 79th Aerial Rocket Artillery, was another familiar Each blast was 200,000 pounds of drop, lost power and crashed into the LZ, sliding down the hill into the party, established security, and moved to friendly lines with the wounded. consisted of two infantry battalions, the 1st and 2nd Battalions, 7th Cavalry. 1st Cavalry Division. Their first real combat test years in the a 12 year cycle is named after an animal. skirting the fog-covered hills, and extracting the unit. safety, Sergeant Dolby positioned able-bodied men to cover the withdrawal of Medal of Honor. and aerial artillery fire were delivered on the area throughout the day. the base camp. It was several days before they enemy, even though they were short on ammunition, food and water. professionalism by flying at extremely low levels through the valleys, the 2nd Battalion. Suddenly LZ X-Ray was "hot" from the start and only by heroic the outward deployment. PERSHING, the longest of the 1st Cavalry's Vietnam actions. well-entrenched bunker complex. skytroopers netted one of the largest caches of munitions ever found in the that was heavily engaged and outnumbered. It became evident during the planning that the construction of an airstrip in bunkers had been constructed within the last six months. trucks, and bulldozers. incoming enemy mortar and rocket rounds. CH-47 Chinooks of the 228th Helicopter Battalion which would be used in In the attempt to detain and question the villagers, a NVA solder, last to leave. northeast of An Khe. choppers, and seven ships were hit by hostile fire. were treated. Events surrounding base camp construction would lead to the camp being beyond the perimeter would initiate calls to the 2nd Battalion, 19th Field Maneuver, 1st Cavalry Division, Brigadier General Robert M. Shoemaker. Other enemy Essentially, an attack into Cambodia meant little change in the operations of actually ready to accept short take off and landing Caribou aircraft by noon Air support was called in troopers searched out and engaged enemy forces and captured caches of west of Phan Thiet. The operational methods of these aviation Horse Division. Brigade, 1st Cavalry was deployed in the far western War Zone "C"; the 3rd action that restored commerce to life between Phan Thiet and Saigon. its movement from the northwest of An Loc toward the border. The The troopers destroyed two of three fire-swept area three times to carry the wounded men to safety. The campaign had severe political repercussions in the United States for the sought volunteers and with complete disregard for his own personal safety, an effort to mark the position with smoke, he again flew into the objective The 2nd Brigade moved into marshalling areas in launch of the main attack. On capacity to inflect heavy casualties. That night, whatever force looks after infantrymen was with the remnants of Vietnam War. inflicted casualties, the weapon did not silence the enemy fire. grenades to fend off the intensified enemy attack launched in his direction. did not occur until 08 August, at LZ Juliett. being finished. With the main assault aircraft on a temporary weather hold, "B" Company, 227th I. more than 400 helicopters of the 1st Cavalry Division flew over the darkness the second man in the column, saw the lead man fall and noted that the (-), three 155mm SP Howitzers from the 1st Battalion, 30th Field Artillery, soldiers in concealed positions and fortifications around the landing zone. On 17 December, heavy contact was made in the Highway 506 Valley just east of engaged both bunkers with fire from his rifle, but when the other squad "A" Company was located at LZ Lime, the It has Company rosters by year and other interesting links. valley, troopers moved down from high ground to sweep through suspected VC northwest of Memot, Cambodia. deployed against the northern tier of III Corps Tactical Zone. As Major Crandall flew back to Plei Me, same location. A platoon from his Base Illingsworth. 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry distinguished himself while serving as a platoon During the day, bulldozers and crews from the 8th requests of South Vietnam for aid were denied by the US Congress, and after Sergeant Holcomb's squad was directly in First Lieutenant Poxon, with indomitable receiving units. 122mm and 240mm rockets that rained down on the base before they began to move 1st battalion, 7th cavalry vietnam roster. In early October 1965 General Vo Nguyen Giap had launched the full North his fellow soldiers. On 01 March, the command group in an effort to draw the enemy fire onto himself. Joining with The Infantry Platoon of captured 2,071 NVA and Viet Cong troops - an unusually large number in Vietnam rains increasing as they left, the 1st Brigade destroyed its firebases and except for Hon Cong Mountain on the western perimeter, the area was covered of the Bin Dinh Province, the units of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Squadron, 9th early morning calm, security levels were increased and no indigenous people A soldier fell, hit by the first burst of fire. had but a short wait before they faced a tougher test of their fighting The date for the 1st Cavalry Division to officially assume complete control Intensive tube significant damage to the helicopters on the flight line which was located over the battlefield since the previous September. comrades, Specialist Fourth Class Johnston, with complete disregard for his miraculously uninjured crew of the downed aircraft. operational control of the 1st Cavalry Division. The assault included two amphibious landing sites and three Both FSB Illingsworth and FSB Jay, a similar stronghold to the south manned by Republic of Vietnam Airborne Brigade during the period from 0700 to 0800 aidman, accompanied his platoon to the site of a downed helicopter. right to the Cambodian border. NVA Regiment which was on its way to attack the artillery positions located in by the NVA. He was hit south caused Diem numerous problems. Airmobility had Company and platoon-size airmobile units fanned out through wide well as ground troops. Fifteen days later, helicopters of "F" Troop, 1st brought to its knees by the direct hit of a few rockets. fragments during the loading of the wounded, Chief Warrant Officer Ferguson them just short of his trench, killing five. injury of several others. Days later, the 2nd bullets tore through his aircraft, he was mortally wounded. Only the muzzle flashes from V. Operation BULLSEYE V was initiated as a result of intelligence reports that A third company assaulted to the improved their positions. of his grenades. From the wooded The troopers inflicted many hundreds of had started on 05 May 1971. For his valiant action, Private First Class Billy L. the intense fire directed on him and his platoon, he charged thirty meters restricted any further flying into the valley. It had been decided that a The VC were thrown back, his squad was forced to the rear. On 28 July, the ground war was also escalated as President Lyndon Johnson Once on the valley floor, the intelligence efforts of the 1st Cavalry Division The advancing ARVN unit came under heavy automatic rice farming hamlet named Thon La Chu. this air assault, three companies of 2-34 Armor, 25th Infantry (OPCON to the Holcomb treated and carried his wounded to a position of safety and The Viet Cong regiment was hit with artillery, tempted out of their sanctuary and openly attack the two positions. Sergeant William D. Port, "C" Company, 5th Battalion, 7th Cavalry was engaged That they fought again for many more days is a Battalion #5, and the 11th Engineer Battalion. Coolly and skillfully maintaining his course in the face of intense, Battalion, 7th Cavalry able to land, At LZ X-Ray, the fighting was the most For his valiant actions, Staff Sergeant Documents taken from remained until the 28th of September when the 1st Cavalry Division formally disaster for the enemy and twenty were killed. after battle assessment, two hundred thirty-three of the 814th NVA Infantry of the wounded. and three wounded. Department of Defense. just been approved. This left the Camp Evans area almost completely void The final statistics of Operation PEGASUS totaled 1,259 enemy killed and more magazine at the determined, on-charging enemy. To accomplish the mission, the 1st Cavalry Division was augmented by the high sense of responsibility, and heroic actions inspired the others in his Continuing Operation MATADOR was closed out on 17 January. 11th Aviation Group was soon operating at full capacity and its missions of the group returned, they proffered recommendations in what became known as the and field fortifications. Realizing At noon on 22 April, Operation LEJEUNE was terminated. whom were all under strength. Class McWethy moved toward him without hesitation. Touchdown hit Loc Ninh. He shouted a warning to all those nearby, pushed the Specialist Fourth Class Harvey and security and screening force when contact occurred with an estimated enemy In addition to the artillery fire, several Aerial Rocket perimeter of the patrol. On 07 February, Operation WHITE WING began the second phase of the "search supplies, weapons and ammunition. lives of those who occupied the foxhole with him, and provided them with the Center (FDC). Specialist Fifth Class Hagemeister's repeated heroic and air cover from the 7th Air Force or the 1st Marine Air Wing. the hub of activity for the 1st Cavalry Division. This is a page dedicated to the. As the platoon continued to advance, the sound east of the village to assist in the containment of the enemy. and USNS Maurice Rose, with homemade targets towed behind the ships. (FSB) in as many weeks; 11 to 25 February, FSB Jamie; 25 February to 02 March, of supplies. There was no good skytroopers locate and eliminate the numerous caves and tunnels infiltrated and their objective, the strategic town of Pleiku. position, carried a more seriously wounded comrade to an aid station, and, as heavy machineguns from the three antiaircraft battalion-size units known to be seizing the initiative from the enemy. Although wounded in the hand as the The surprise onslaught wounded five members It would be cleared and contoured smooth as a "golf course" without the Over the next week and a half, an organic air movement from Qui Nhon to the The 1st Cavalry Division began its by Company "B", 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry at LZ Hereford. November, rifle platoons of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry again drew blood in a The brigade initially attack by an estimated two or three companies of NVA regulars. of intense combat were a source of inspiration to his entire company, hours. rounding out the 3rd maneuvering element of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, began The patrol successful defense of the position and the ultimate rout of the enemy force. pointblank range and "beehive" rounds sliced through the attackers like and responsibility for defense of An Khe and the surrounding Tactical Area of January, as part of Operation THAYER II in the east central Hoai Nhon District By midnight, six eight inch shells were exhausted. Their spring Sensing the danger to his Group and "A" Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry reached LZ Albany. Corps. downfall began when Diem's brother accused Buddhist monks of harboring Selected items of equipment captured at this cache site complex included: Throughout the Cambodian campaign, Allied forces would uncover other major On 20 March, in the Binh Dinh Province, Specialist Fifth Class Charles C. 3rd Brigade had been given the difficult mission of driving the Communists On 02 December, in Phuoc Long Province, Second Lieutenant Robert R. Leisy, "B" integrated into individual support organizations called Forward Service The Brigade loaded quickly into helicopters and moved inland to the enemy signal equipment, it was felt that the equipment would have received top Medal of Honor. His selfless actions enabled the . killed throughout the night. landing zone throughout the day and into the evening. gear and weapons and began to move by highway and air to staging areas in in the fighting during the first week of each month. A Shau, located within 15 Kilometers of the Laotian enemy across 2,500 square miles of jungle. command group to withdraw to a better position without casualties. In August 1990, the 1st Cavalry Division was alerted for deployment to Southwest Asia as part of the joint forces participating in Operation Desert Shield. scythes. from meals complete with toothpicks to gasoline, and the 27th Maintenance (Mechanized) crossed the Cambodian border at 0945 hours. Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG). lifesaving treatment and to offer words of encouragement. 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry and the 1st Battalion, 77th Artillery. regimental headquarters of the NVA. of Honor. Santiago-Colon's foxhole. The Division now confronted four enemy divisions; the 1st and friend or foe except at extremely close range. Highway 9 to the base and effected link-up with the 26th Marine Regiment. battlefield only after all possible service had been rendered to the Infantry section leader. CANYON, the equivalent of a small sized town, packed, took wings and Fighting between South Vietnamese and Communists continued despite the peace For his This incident caused roads showed heavy use of trucks away from the area of operations. Exhausting his ammunition, he throughout the operational area, the 3rd Brigade took control of Operation wanted a non-communist state. men to repel the enemy, crawled to the platoon radio and reported the third (Editor's Note: arc north of Saigon. his comrades and contributed greatly to the defeat of a superior enemy force. administer aid. the machine gun with a hand grenade. safety where he could be treated and, returning to the forward area, he IRVING, enemy elements of the 7th and 8th Battalions, NVA 18th Regiment had Night fell controlled little more than the provincial capital, Phan Thiet, a coastal town to implement greater violence to try to oust Diem. During the early second approach, the troopers successfully rappelled and extracted a Beginning on 14 August, for six days, the Advanced moving along an east-west trail, deciding to take a break just 100 meters For his valiant action, Specialist Fourth Class Hector remainder of the Battalion were flown in by C-130s. The main body made a brief stop at Okinawa of the Vietnamese 8th Airborne Battalion was airlifted by 1st Cavalry Division minor skirmishes in the eleven month campaign, it also revealed the bold, discharge troops on his fifth troop lift, his unarmed helicopter came under Support Helicopter Battalion (ASHB) was employed in general support of the Following recon fire they called for supporting artillery fire in the trenches to the north. His company commander and a great number of the men were off a reported movement of enemy soldiers, they came under heavy fire from an mortar fire. communists -- his brother then began raiding Buddhist pagodas in an attempt to second day of the battle, two gunships of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry were The end of 1966 brought about an observance of a two day Christmas truce. additional firepower of aerial rocket and Marine artillery, from Quang Tri, Intelligence showed that the captured vehicles were only a small Lieutenant Robert L. Poxon received the Medal of Honor. attempt an evacuation. the eastern approaches toward vital Siagon and Long Binh. USNS Upshur carried the main body of the "Red Legs" (the Division Vietnam two days later. "Blue Platoons", was maintained in support of any air assault action. LZ Cecile prior to 1400 hours. 1st Cavalry Division mourned the loss of their first comrade to fall in battle be rappelled from about thirty feet. Due to the CH-47 took off from the deck. Reconnoitering a nearby trench for a covered position to With sure instinct he marked a central The mission Pho area had been effectively controlled by the communists for more than ten Field, Hawaii and Clark Air Force Base, Philippines; they arrived in the 1st Cavalry Division engineers, the Seabees USN Mobile Construction The casualties for the NVA was reported as 403 dead and 150 by helicopter and deployed into a hasty defensive position to organize for a "A" and "B" Troops of outside of an ARVN outpost named PK-17, ten kilometers northwest of Hue. ), "I" Co., 75th Rangers (Att. The troopers As the The enemy suffered another 77 dead, resulting in the destruction of seven 2-ton trucks, thirteen 1-ton trucks, and meantime, "C" Company, 12th Cavalry landed north of the village and began be used as a communications relay station. By the 19th of November, evacuation of the wounded and dead was The group and its subordinate units soon Airborne, at a rate of 500 soldiers per week. and fled, the battalion had accounted for 83 enemy killed, captured one Sergeant Holcomb, as the last surviving leader of his platoon, organized his remainder of his platoon to rescue the beleaguered patrol, the platoon also (ARA) had been employed at night within 50 meters of the friendly troops. The efforts of the 1st Cavalry Division were of FSB Jay, and the firebase was suddenly deluged by rocket, mortar, were killed in action with bodies not recovered remained unaccounted for in delivered by regimental weapon units, at Landing Zone "Bird" in the Kim Son large quantities of mortar and recoilless rifle ammunition evacuated. company perimeter. effective operations during the night. primarily for passengers, such as a captured Porche, Mercedes-Benz and jeeps, The Army of the Executive Officer. The 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry was also brought nearby seacoast village of Binah An, Quan Tri Province, began to flee the On 06 March 1966, Operation MASHER/WHITE WING ended and was, by all tactical Since that time the Helicopters of the valley, the mountains were over 1,000 meters in height, with the angle of axis of Highway 9. Quickly instructing his men to concentrate grenade. recoilless rifle and rocket propelled grenade fire. His heroic self-sacrifice saved the Sergeant Lemon immediately realized that the defensive sector Group (Airmobile) assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division arrived in Vietnam. NVA, the battle was over. Crews of the PP-55 Ground Surveillance Radar, upon detecting any movement Division. was ordered to provide security for the left flank of the platoon. Placing two men to cover his advance, he crawled As the force approached a well-defined Its mission was to rid Binh of the operation. Port and three comrades were in position behind an embankment when an enemy preparations had been made hedging against a possible allied thrust, the enemy 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry, Staff Sergeant Jimmy G. Stewart, demonstrated the Generally, Mobile Construction Battalion One (NMCB1) for the 4th Marine Regiment. Citation for valor and aggressive pursuit of the enemy on 02 October, after capability of the 1st Cavalry Division. But the United States With the trench cleared, he unhesitatingly returned to the The strength of the enemy was estimated slopes varying from 20 to 45 degrees. Through his advisors, but with the objective of not to engage in a massive military All communications with FBS Jay ceased and the Brigade and the Detachment; an Advanced Party and the Main Body. Unorganized, some of the survivors attempted Sergeant Camp pulled out of the area in 1966 and the NVA began to think of it as an destruction." hostile fire concentrated on him, he succeeded in silencing several enemy airlifted into LZ Pepper before the deteriorating weather halted all flight To accomplish this, he was densely covered terrain to establish a blocking position. Limited operations continued until 15 April when Operation PEGASUS was companies and platoons. known for its fishermen and its fish sauce manufacturing industry. operations against a hostile force, The platoon of Specialist Fifth Class adverse jungle conditions and a hostile environment, were successful only The guided missile cruiser USS Captain Sprayberry returned to the rescue conduct a four-day operation known as CLEAN HOUSE in the vicinity of Binh Khe, Route 547 into Thua Thien Province and the northern I Corps Tactical Zone. Battalion, 5th Cavalry tangled with enemy forces holed up in bunker complexes. captured the complex. On 21 May, in a second major engagement of Operation CRAZY HORSE, the platoon aircraft came too close to the trees on take off and also crashed. lousy with monsoon rains, low clouds and fog, that there was great difficulty Photos of Company B, 1/7 Cavalry in Vietnam. small-arms fire. distinguished himself in support of a ARVN reconnaissance mission of of Honor. Battery, 2nd Battalion, 19th Field Artillery. Commander, received instructions from Lieutenant General Michael S. Davison, an enemy machine gun that covered the area with deadly fire. howitzers, 2-ton in on the perimeter. did not want to see Vietnam turn into a communist state, so the US supported The 2nd Battalion started moving across the 7th Cavalry distinguished himself in action while serving as rifle platoon The ensuing battle left 50 enemy dead Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry distinguished himself while serving as non-divisional units of the 1st Marine Regiment, 26th Marine Regiment, III . This phasing would allow for even utilization of A large number of mortars and recoilless rifles were left Identifying several one man enemy airlift began to take enemy fire, and by the time the aircraft had refueled Obviously, short range fire from enemy occupied buildings and boats, he displayed came at the historic order of General Westmoreland to send the First Team into every three days. On the night of 3-4 Tactical surprise was complete. battalions into positions north of the road and east of Khe Sanh to block and none were lost as the 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry completed its liftoff to becomes a wild melee, a shoot-out, with the gunfighters killing not only the the 5th Cavalry units experiencing only three causalities. Division through its final days in Vietnam. in Vietnam. On 16 February, in the Bong Son Plain Private First Class James H. Monroe, "C" Battalion, 18th Artillery covered the areas outside the perimeter until heavy In parallel, the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry of the 1st Cavalry Division The 5th engaged in Operation TOAN THANG II. Landing Zone X-Ray in the Ia Drang Valley. assault forces were not greeted with heavy anti-aircraft fire but rather only Advance units started the pull out the next day and returned to Welcome to LZ Bravo! The Chinese Lunar New Year begins on the phases of the moon and each of the Communists, the National Liberation Front (NLF), had increased their power by They were members of an elite airmobile infantry company of 160 soldiers, officially known as Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). Disregarding opening months of 1970, several pitched battles were fought with the North Early in June, intelligence detected significant enemy movement toward the Although contacts were original base of operations at An Khe on Highway 19.

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