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/* WIDGET : FOLLOW BY EMAIL */ I cook every day and like to share it with you! border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee; I never get charged anything here for customs, etc. } } The muffins are lovely and moist . z-index: 1; margin: 2px auto 8px !important; .top-margin { height: auto !important; font-size: 15px; *****************************/ } display: -webkit-box; .col-lg-2{width:16.66666667%;} .top-padding { position: relative; } padding-top: 10px; line-height: 1.5; box-shadow: none !important; } position: relative; padding: 35px 24px; #main p:hover { content: ""; margin-top: .5em; .instagram-entries div:nth-child(7),.instagram-entries div:nth-child(8) { .blog-pager-newer-link { body#layout #mobile-header:before { } body#layout #header div.section#topmenu, display: none; .post .single #related-posts-widget h4 span { } background-color: #ef9d87; .social-footer a span { code { background-color: #ef9d87; border-radius: 0; width: 40px; .col-sm-offset-12{margin-left:100%;} /* PAGE LAYOUT : DEFAULT HEADER ===================*/ } .contact-form-name { transform: translateY(0); background-color: #ef9d87; .swiper-container-3d .swiper-slide-shadow-left, } width: 20px; padding-bottom: 0; line-height: 40px; opacity: 0; .social-footer a span { } .right-align { padding: 20px; .col-sm-pull-1{right:8.33333333%;} } h3 { left: 80px; } margin: 0 auto; text-decoration: none; } .grid-posts .item .item-title a { .table:after,.table:before { padding-top: 3px; font-weight: 400; content: "\f107"; margin-right: 20px; } display: block; .m-menu .toggle span:before { .featured-posts .featured-slider { .container:after, color: #161616; visibility: visible; } } margin-top: 6px; margin-bottom: 20px; width: 100%; } .swiper-button-prev, border-radius: 110%; display: inline-block; content: "Promo Boxes"; font-weight: 700; Privacy policy, you can add fruit blueberries even, leave naked or go mad with cream and fancy toppings, my family favorite. .grid-posts .item .item-title { } h1 { height: 70px; .swiper-container-cube .swiper-slide-next, .arrow-right-icon:before, text-transform: none; margin-bottom: 5px !important; INSTAGRAM GALLERY #comments .avatar-image-container { overflow: hidden; margin: 0 8px; margin-top: 5px; display: block; .col-lg-pull-6{right:50%;} } .visible-lg-inline-block{display:none !important;} height: 45px !important; margin-top: 35px; } text-align: center; .post-pagination { /* WIDGET : CATEGORIES */ If you like what you see and wish to donate to help pay for butter, sugar, eggs and whatnot, every little bit is appreciated. 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