Prepare for something that will require a great effort. I DROPPED the kids OFF at school on my way to work. Transmit information or give property to younger generations. Give ownership or responsibility to someone. Act out: Perform something with actions and gestures.. The child is playing. The beauty salon gave her a MAKEOVER before the party. Put as line through some writing to show it is wrong. It's the only shop in the area and they're RAKING IT IN. We LASHED the tarpaulin DOWN to stop the wind blowing it away. You will learn all of their meanings through clear explanations and example sentences. The idea for the film GREW OUT OF an accident that happened to the director. I'll SPONGE it DOWN before putting it away. Move from a sitting or lying down to a vertical position. I've got my exams next week and I haven't done much work, so I'd better KNUCKLE DOWN. Stop working because the parts of a machine won't move. The prawns she ate at lunch made her THROW UP and she had to go home early. A huge cheer WENT UP when the president arrived. He LANDED ME IN it when he told them what I had done wrong. We LOADED the car UP and left for our holiday. The telephone's been CUT OFF because we didn't pay the bill. They TACKED ON a new ending to the film when they found that test audiences didn't like the original. He DOUBLED UP in pain after being hit in the stomach. Does this disc BELONG WITH those on the shelf? The play didn't have much GOING FOR IT and we left halfway through. He lost his temper and told her to BOG OFF. Everybody STOOD UP when the judge entered the court. He gave up smoking after he COUGHED UP some blood. for a specific piece of information.. We now intend to GO AHEAD WITH the final stage of the project. I work at home in the evening to GET AHEAD OF schedule. They keep RAKING OVER the rows we had last year. Robert was sitting in his car and a guy RAN UP ON him and shot through the car but missed. He PUT IN FOR a transfer to the new branch. I STRUCK ON the solution when I was out with my dog. The meeting has been BROUGHT FORWARD to this Friday instead of next week because some people couldn't make it then. The court ordered the company to TURN OVER their financial records. The government SCRAPED IN with 51% of the votes cast. We are looking forward to our holiday / it. Take something or someone to a place and leave it or them there.. I was ill for a fortnight and now I've got to CATCH UP on the work I missed. She DOUBLED OVER in pain after being hit in the stomach. The year has SLIPPED AWAY and it is hard to believe it's over. I really had to DRILL DOWN to get the answers from the database. He was LEFT OUT of the side because he hasn't been playing too well lately. The skies CLEARED UP and the sun came out. Statistics BEAR OUT the government's positions on the issue. Make someone feel embarrassed or ashamed. Do someone's work while they are temporarily absent. Let's SETTLE UP for the dinner the other night. The ceiling FELL IN hurting a lot of people. I was feeling tired so I STOPPED IN last night. Have no more of something left because it has been bought. Wait or refuse to do something until you get what you want. She WEIGHED IN ON their immigration policies. It was so unpleasant that I try to BLOCK it OUT- otherwise, I'd just be angry all the time. He is always MESSING me ABOUT and never does what he promises. They BOARDED UP all the windows to stop people getting into the empty houses. I find it very hard to GRIND OUT an original essay every week. Report someone to teachers, authorities, etc. At first he was independent, but then he FELL UNDER their influence. Become involved in something despite opposition to your involvement. Struggle to see who wins, both by arguing or fighting. Reduce the intellectual level of something in search of popularity. The seconds TICKED BY and the team failed to score. In cricket, if the second team to bat doesn't score enough runs, it has to bat again. To handle somebody firmly who behaves impertinently, conceitedly. The boat was leaking so they had to BAIL it OUT. She doesn't GET OUT much now she has her baby. She CAME OUT WITH the answer when everyone was expecting it to remain unsolved. The sheriff and his men HEADED the bandits OFF at the pass. I felt awful when the teacher started to PASS BACK the exam papers. I'll PENCIL Thursday night IN, but if anything comes up, give me a ring.. Make someone more enthusiastic, energetic or interested. The debt was ZEROED OUT by the department. Receive a phone call, email, letter or other communication from someone. Let hair, etc, with dyes, perms grow to get rid of the style. They PEELED OFF FROM the demonstration when the police arrived. I BUFFED UP ON my grammar before the test. Put a mark on an item in a list when it has been dealt with. I PULLED ON a jumper when the sun went in. They spent a fortune GUSSYING UP the house. Try to keep something bad from becoming widely known. It's impossible to GET ACROSS the road with all this traffic. They KNOCKED TOGETHER two outbuilding and turned them into a home. Students usually begin the term well, then SLACK OFF near the end of the semester. This semantic unit cannot be understood based upon the meanings of the individual parts, but must be taken as a whole. I WAITED BEHIND to ask the lecturer a question. The police BLOCKED OFF the road after the murder. 200 common phrasal verbs, with meanings and example sentences. They RENTED their house OUT while the were abroad. We were starving so we really DUG IN when the food finally did arrive. The investigators have no clues to GO ON. I WROTE OUT my notes in full to help me remember them. His criminal behaviour is starting to CATCH UP WITH him. He's just POPPED OFF for a break but should be back in a few minutes. We've GIVEN the premises OVER to the new company. Be jealous, abuse or have an active hatred of someone. His rudeness yesterday FITS IN WITH what I have always thought of his behaviour. Areest or take someone to a police station for questioning. They BUMP UP the prices in the high season. I did no revision and only just SCRAPED THROUGH the final exams. They MARK the goods UP by 25% before they sell them. We BOUGHT UP all the shop had before the price went up. He prefers to BACK his car INTO the garage. He had to BREAK DOWN their opposition to his ideas. They are trying to DRUM UP support for the referendum. The programme DWELLED ON little other than the scandal. The central heating COMES ON automatically an hour before I have to get up. I'm going to LIE DOWN for a few minutes before we have to go out. I'm going to the bathroom to FRESHEN UP before they arrive. The minister announced her intention to STAND DOWN at the next election. I just couldn't GET my message ACROSS at the meeting. She CHECKED OUT last week; the funeral's tomorrow. Frame someone- make them look guilty of something they haven't done. The idiot CARVED us UP and forced me to brake hard. I'm going to VEG OUT in front of the TV tonight. He MADE OUT that he was ill so that he didn't have to go to school. Could you HANG ON for a moment till she's free. I'll STOP BACK this afternoon when you're free. [1] Examples: turn down, run into, sit up. Enter figures into a till or cash register. Try to find someone for a task or requirement. My mother's trying to CATCH UP WITH computers. Become quieter or inaudible (of a sound). The judge told the witness to STAND DOWN after the questioning. She was HOVERING AROUND to see what we were talking about. The minister had been SYPHONING OFF funds from his department for years. They are LOCKED IN now that they have paid their subscription. The two men started arguing but they soon CAME TO blows and started fighting in earnest. Exchange something for money, collect winnings. I've been HACKING AROUND all morning because I can't get down to doing any revision. It looked like a foul, but the referee told them to PLAY ON. I'm going to WIND DOWN in the country this weekend and do nothing. Here are some tips on how to study phrasal verbs. Put into, Put across, Put aside, Put asunder Meaning & Examples, Put down, Put down as, Put down for, Put down to Meaning & Examples, Put in, Put in practice Meaning & Examples, Put onself, Put over, Put past across Meaning & Examples, Put through, Put to, Put forward Meaning & Examples, Put together, Put towards Meaning & Examples, 23 Phrasal Verbs with STAND: Stand aside, …, Phrasal Verbs with SEND: Send back, Send …, 10+ Phrasal Verbs with SPEAK: Speak for, …, Phrasal Verbs with BEAT: Beat down, Beat …, Phrasal Verbs with FALL: Fall out, Fall …, Phrasal Verbs with CARRY: Carry off, Carry …, 30+ Phrasal Verbs with LOOK: Look after, …. Put (effort) into. They CASHED IN their bonds and spent the money on a holiday. Blow up. Prepare equipment, software, etc., for use. He DASHED DOWN a memo and sent it to everybody. I POKED ABOUT in my CD collection to see if I could find it. Who will you be PULLING FOR in the final? They RAN UP AGAINST a lot of opposition to the construction. Dress smartly or improve the appearance of something. I've got to work tonight; can I CRY OFF going out for dinner? I got ROPED INTO helping them set the stall up. Example: I ran into my teacher at the movies last night. The army attacked the town and the inhabitants FOUGHT BACK fiercely. They're KNOCKING hundreds OUT a day in the sales. The children are always GETTING UP TO some trouble or other. Don't MESS WITH me or there will be trouble. Be along – Arrive. Phrasal Verb PDF is one of the main study materials for the English Language. They lied on the reference and DID me OUT OF any chance of getting the job. I couldn't concentrate because they were CLOWNING AROUND all afternoon. My neighbours KEPT me UP till after 4 am with their loud music last night. The reigning middleweight champion KNOCKED OUT the challenger in the fourth round of the fight. They LAID OUT thousands of pounds on their wedding reception. They came to LOOK the house OVER with a view to buying it. Become inaudible over the telephone because of interference. Thieves GOT AWAY WITH two Picassos, which were never found. I GOT IN late today because the train broke down. Use threats, payments, bribes, etc, to affect someone's testimony or decision.
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