Senior staff will be observing too – usually the head of department and the deputy headteacher – so the kids should be on their best behaviour. I would like to linger awhile on that word “progress” because I know it causes many teachers sleepless nights. The interviewer is asking you to touch on all the important points in your practice in a very concrete way. The intention is to provide a summary report of this kind on an annual basis. In this post I’m going to lay out my thoughts on the usefulness of the interview lesson. Be careful about this because the way you set up and organise yourself – how creative and well prepared you are, and how much initiative you show – is part of what is being assessed. phlebasconsidered Mon 23-Jun-14 19:21:44. If you are provided with poetry, then a haiku will work better than a ballad. Ofsted defines a grade one lesson as one with many significant strengths and no significant areas for improvement. Teaching the ideal Ofsted lesson can no longer be blagged like last minute homework. If the class you taught are not asked for their feedback on you, then you might be interviewed by the school council or a pupil panel. It focuses on varying sentence length for effect but also includes scope for other creative writing techniques. Outstanding teaching therefore involves outstanding questioning. Nothing will ever prepare you for the unexpected. If you are applying for an newly-qualified teacher (NQT) position, you’ll almost certainly be asked to teach a demonstration lesson. Her advice is: “Be prepared for nothing to go right – kids will come in late and disrupt you, the equipment won’t work and it’ll be raining just as you’re about to start your brilliant games lesson. For a demo lesson, as in everything else, your attention to detail and your preparation must show through. For example, if you are doing an art demo lesson and you want to teach a particular technique like batik then you’d be advised to bring your own stuff with you. I’ve sat in many a lesson where students are clearly more able than the interviewee expected and it becomes a thumb-twiddling exercise. This is a teacher interview question you will want to be prepared for along with an example of the ideal lesson you did teach. Whatever happens, just get on with it.”. Rather, the point of this part of the day is for you to show senior leaders that you can structure learning, have high expectations and build a rapport with children. I'm trying to return to teaching after a 4 year break, most of my experience is in early years teaching but I have applied for a part-time Year 1 teaching post and -by-some-miracle- been invited for an interview -eek! In primary, briefs can be much shorter, for example, “Read a story to a class of year 1” or “Teach a year 5 group on a topic of your choice”. You do not know this class at all. It has definitely made my planning easier and my teaching of literacy more inspiring. He didn’t get the job. And though some people may be really confident in formal interviews, ultimately it will always be the classroom that truly matters. When observing teaching in the EYFS, you should expect to see: Teacher-pupil interactions that help to identify learning; Use of knowledge of the EYFS to provide rich sensory experiences, stimulating curiosity and investigation; A range of … The lesson was judged as outstanding following my last observation. Do you have some presence with students? Can you share some activitiy ideas for reception children for a working interview. What effective teaching looks like. I want you to inspire, motivate and educate the young people at my school, not terrify them or let them run riot. Tes Global Ltd is It’s best not to ignore or dread the possibility of presenting a demo lesson plan, rather embrace it as an opportunity to sell your value to the school community. While it’s unlikely the school will give you a challenging class, you may be given more difficult students than other applicants. Interview lesson (19 Posts) Add message | Report. Do not be afraid to pull kids up and ask them to rectify their behaviour. It would be lovely if everything ran to plan but, ultimately, cables get lost, hardware isn’t compatible, some internet filters are draconian and, even these days, the internet can simply crash. While their power is in the veto rather than in the appointment, you should take it seriously. More than anything, they want to see if you are a good model of teaching and learning. In your answer show a clear understanding of your own basic teaching style. Try not to be too pernickety about your rights to equal opportunities if the school is already doing its best to accommodate you. Some of the very best interview lessons have been stripped back to the bare bones and have relied upon the rapport between class and interviewee. Probably not – or only as much as the school can accommodate in reasonable circumstances. Let’s be clear, though: no one seriously expects you to significantly impact the future life chances of children in 30 minutes. 7 teacher interview questions you should be well prepared for. Read the main text through with the class before showing the film and keep the giraffes as a surprise! We will ask the class after each lesson how they thought it went – and we want to hear the children clamour for the employment of interviewees. Tell me about a teaching lesson you were involved in that didn’t go well and what you learned from it. The good news is that you aren’t expected to teach an outstanding lesson. ... With such little time on your hands there is still the expectation that you can produce an outstanding lesson. I’ve seen an interviewee knock over his bottle of fizzy drink but open it regardless and spray the first three rows of the room. You could describe the resources you used and how the students utilised these. The Headteacher that observed me said how much the children loved it and that she was very impressed. My idea of the perfect classroom lesson is a lesson where all students are actively engaged in meaningful learning for the entirety of the lesson. But before you panic, here are some tips on how to prepare your test lesson effectively: Read the brief carefully – make sure you know what’s expected of you. I have heard some tell X-rated jokes, threaten to “bitch slap” someone and another who said, “Bloody hell, if I was as stupid as you, I’d shoot myself”. I use The Literacy Shed on a weekly basis and my class is regularly inspired by its contents. A common pitfall for primary teachers is that they don’t apply their teaching skills to PE as they would other subjects. It is worth practising your delivery. This fantastic resource provides you with some top tips on interview lesson observations! I have been invited to teach a lesson to a "low ability" Year 4 class with an English focus. The children loved the film and wrote some amazing pieces. Here’s a guide to doing all three. Just make sure that if you get to your second stage interview you can back up your vision in reality! Many UK teaching job interviews include the candidate (that’s you) conducting a live lesson with a class of students, which is observed by some or all members of the selection panel. You can use questioning to personalise your lessons in all sorts of ways. And though some people may be really confident in formal interviews, ultimately it will always be the classroom that truly matters. Instead, set something engaging for them as the lesson begins (while you fiddle with memory sticks), give them one really fantastic task and ensure that you have a way to measure learning. When we ask to see you teach a lesson, we’re not looking for the best-crafted pedagogy in the world – we're looking for someone who can build a rapport with the children, command sufficient authority and understand how learning works. I heard of a teacher who started sending text messages on his mobile phone during the pupil panel. An outstanding lesson, he argued, was “about what works” and he made a plea to his inspectors to apply “pragmatism not ideology in the way (they) judge the quality of teaching”. My colleague once referred to a student by the female pronoun for the entire lesson, only to be told at the end that the student was a boy. Besides, why would you want to work somewhere that won’t embrace your style of education? The interview lesson is your chance to bring your on-paper credentials to the stage. I have to do a 15 minute input, in any subject area, with current reception class. But if you have your own favourite resources, bring them. Do not adapt your style. I taught this lesson to a class of 30 Year 3s (7-8 year olds) for a job interview. These days newly qualified teachers are routinely asked to give a demonstration lesson, or a part of a lesson, during the interview process.Teachers of English to speakers of other languages are often expected to give a dreaded demo lesson.This can be given to a group of students, or on Skype, or it can be addressed to interviewers at an interview. This tactic only works if you adapt the resource for classes you know well. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion For example, if the demo lesson is a PE practical, you might get those horrible year 9s while someone else gets a lovely sweet group of year 7s. How to stand out in your application form, 6 tips for surviving the trainee rollercoaster, WATCH: How to land your first teaching job. On the other hand, it shows initiative that you have bothered to phone and ask some clarifying questions, such as whether there will be any English as an additional language, special educational needs or “looked after” students in the group. With careful planning and an ability to deal with the unexpected you’ll have kids and staff begging for an encore. The school has to be the right place for you, so if you construct something you think they want to see but you’re uncomfortable with – say, group work – then it will show. Or is that … I know. Examples of Outstanding Lessons in 2011 - 2012 The following are the summary notes taken in a sample of outstanding lessons from a sample of subjects that were observed within the last twelve months. I am currently applying for jobs for my NQT year. Frances Child from King Edwards Consortium PGCE & School Direct in Birmingham prepares her trainees specifically for demo lessons. Will there be a teaching assistant in the room and who will they work with? The ensuing discussion was of such high quality that a visiting inspector rated it as outstanding. Yes, most likely. Brilliant for when you're struggling on what you need to do and cover! If you are asked to cover fractions, I’d suggest you find a real-world approach to its application. The gentle proffer of a bin and a quiet “Please spit out your gum”, is going to be more effective than shouting across the room. The interview lesson is a curious snapshot of your teaching on which so much can rest. As a result many teachers are turning from the traditional classroom methods in favour of more progressive learning methods, such as flipped lessons. I was thinking of maybe using loom bands to investigate the fibonnacci sequence? Describe your teaching style. It may be much longer in secondary - 30-45 minutes or even a double lesson if it’s an extended brief for English or maths. The lesson observation will come early enough in the day to be a deciding factor as to whether you will go on to be interviewed, so take it seriously. We are looking for professionals who enjoy being in the classroom and interacting with young people. Here is a teacher interview question: 'what is your idea of the perfect lesson?' Before your teaching interview, you should: Know the school and its local education authority, including any teaching philosophy or approach taken to education. However you should be able to adopt a number of teaching styles that are appropriate for different learning situations. Research is critical to a successful teacher interview. A rated outstanding Year 5/6 interview lesson on openers and effective writing. But keep it very simple – bullet points on one side of paper is best. Primary teacher Sway Grantham shares some tried and tested ideas for interview lessons that will engage students and impress observers Impress at interview with a lesson … If some children rush or finish early, make sure you know what the extension is without it seeming like more work. Purpose of a Demonstration Lesson Plan in a Job Interview Interview tips: keep your lesson simple and have a clear objective in mind. Whatever resource you ultimately choose, that choice, and ultimately the way in which it is employed is down to your skill. Can be flexibly used from 20 minutes to an hour. We want the kids to be your advocates. Planning a lesson for a job interview can be challenging. When applying for newly-qualified teacher jobs, you’ll almost certainly have to teach a demonstration lesson. This could be any class within the phase you have trained for, but you should be told the specific year group in the brief. Alan Newland shares his top 10 tips on how to plan for success, Last modified on Tue 20 Jan 2015 13.41 EST. You may have planned X, Y and Z but don’t be frightened if you have to improvise too – that is the reality of teaching after all – and the assessors will want to see how you can think on your feet and respond to the unexpected. I guess some things can be forgiven, especially if they provide a fun anecdote afterwards. Includes: lesson plan, PowerPoint presentation with timings, mild, spicy and hot task and starter activity. London WC1R 4HQ. Read your application and any supporting documentation, including the job advertisement. Your interview lesson should centre on one very tight learning aim. Keziah Featherstone is headteacher of the Bridge Learning Campus, Bristol, co-founder of #WomenEd and a member of the Headteachers’ Roundtable. It is useful to know some information about the class you’re going to teach – especially specific learning needs and general ability. Helen Webb looks at how to plan your job interview lessons. Rapport does not mean best of chums; this is a school and the desired relationship should be teacher and student. The children are mostly level 3's (with a couple of 2's in there). While it’s incredibly hard to get a job, it’s easy to let the pressures of the application process grind you down. In some cases, you may need to an interview with a search committee that is charged with screening applicants before moving on to a formal interview for the job. – Sample Response “To be truthful, this type of situation only happened in the early days of my teaching career and I was quick to learn from the mistake I made. This is what is known as an Observation Lesson. I once taught my entire interview lesson with half the buttons of my top undone – at least the kids were quiet; shocked into silence. You wouldn’t have been invited for interview if your application had been poor, so at the start of the day everyone is – theoretically – appointable. The children empathised with the video so much that two of them cried! So it's been 12 years since I started teaching and never ever have I had to teach a lesson as part of an interview process. The panel watching an interview lesson need to see that the prospective new teacher can engage the children, promote active learning and understanding, and has confidence and skill with the subject knowledge. Interview lesson - Primary - Please help! It is also agreed that an outstanding lesson should provide very c lear evidence of highly effective learning for every learner in that class. Your demo lesson might take place before the formal interview while another candidate’s might be after it. If you download something from TES’ website don’t expect it, as if by magic, to go swimmingly. One familiar tool you can use to do this is Bloom’s Taxonomy. Such things are unlikely to convince me that you’re the right person for the job. Rather than being nervous about this part of the interview, try to think of it as your chance to impress. Bring it with you on the day so the assessors can see what your goals are, how you intend to differentiate and show progress. Tell the interview panel what you learned from the experience. Square I have an interview and am required to teach a 30 min maths lesson to KS2. How to prepare for an interview lesson: an essential guide for NQTs When applying for newly-qualified teacher jobs, you’ll almost certainly have to teach a demonstration lesson. Expect the IT not to work. ; Have prepared specific examples that demonstrate your skills, especially those that … Photograph: Alamy, How to survive interview lessons – teachers’ tips and experiences, King Edwards Consortium PGCE & School Direct. Try not to worry too much about whether the little buggers will behave; it’s unlikely the school will give you a challenging class. 4. Visit to access them online.In this early years session, the focus is to inspire children to write. This is where having something a little bit differentiated tucked away can help: a slightly more accessible task or resource may prove the right thing and it’s better to adapt as you go along rather than signal right at the beginning that you know certain children are not as able as others. Tillyscoutsmum Fri 17-Apr-15 19:03:49. I have sat in rooms where the interviewees have yelled at the class, whispered at the class, spent the whole time red and sweating, and some who never came close to cracking a smile. Just as you would for literacy or numeracy, set high expectations for pupils; so this starts withprogressive and inclusive lesson objectives that set the tone for the lesson and the use of a quality primary PE scheme. I can't think how I've avoided it. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Don’t ask for 20 laminated colour photocopies of your favourite worksheet five minutes before the demo lesson is due to start – that won’t go down well. Make sure to go into detail on what lesson you would be teaching, the year group and your strategy. I was offered the job and thought I would share for anyone that wants to use it. The pressures of time and school organisation will determine the circumstances. You wouldn’t have been invited for interview if your application had been poor, so at the start of the day everyone is – theoretically – appointable. Looking for your next role? If this information is not given to you by the school, ask for it. Twinkl » Key Stage 1 - Year 1, Year 2 » Classroom Management » Teacher Organisation An outstanding lesson is no longer measured by academic success only, but by the engagement of its pupils. If not, ask. The interviewers are looking for a range of qualities based on what they feel their team … Every observation I've ever had on the job has either been good or outstanding (apart from a couple back when I started) so there's not too much wrong with my classroom practice. In Part 1 of this series I reviewed some of the evidence on what makes for effective interviews, and in Part 2 I looked specifically at creating a less biased, more structured formal interview. The interview lesson is a curious snapshot of your teaching on which so much can rest. So what makes an outstanding lesson? Are you an effective classroom teacher, confident about your subject knowledge, demonstrating good organisation and behaviour management? Descriptive writing based on a film clip. Art Year 7: A Fish Project Lesson Using Mask Making You have to have some context to pitch towards. Oddly, we were all appointed to the roles we had applied for. You could give the kids name badges or ask them to write their names on a folded sheet to place on their desks so you can learn a few during the lesson to show you can build relationships quickly. These are intended to test your initiative and how creative you are in interpreting such a brief. These may not be your usual children and you may be unfamiliar with the behaviour policy, but chewing gum, swigging energy drinks and having a nap is probably not the expectation you should have of the children in your lesson. The demo lesson plan has become used more and more frequently in teaching interview across the country. Through doing this, you keep learning front and centre – tailoring your interactions so they closely meet student needs. It may as short as 15-20 minutes if it’s something like reading a story for a potential new primary schoolteacher. It’s not unreasonable to ask if any resources are supplied, especially if there is a practical element – just don’t be too demanding of the school’s time and facilities. Conditions. In secondary that might be quite detailed if it’s a practical session like physical education (PE), IT, technology or the sciences (though science practicals usually eat up too much time so they’re more likely to ask for a theoretical science lesson). Find a way to encourage all children to invest in their learning during your interview lesson – immediately pick up those reluctant to start work and coerce them into joining in. 24th ... “Phonics is a good one and you can provide activities for them to go off and try after your lesson like whiteboards to try writing the letter building words with pegs initial sound items etc” … Search from thousands of teaching jobs both in the UK and overseas. The lesson is a key part of any teaching job interview and often causes the most stress for applicants. 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