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441.2. ShoulderThe portion of the roadway, contiguous to the traffic lanes, for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use, and for lateral support of base and surface courses and pavements. New liquid fuel pump islands installed in service stations adjacent to the highway shall be located at least 12 feet outside the right-of-way, in order for a driveway permit to be issued. (5)Lane in front of another property. (ii)Low volume driveway, see Figure 8. Stabilized materialAny aggregate such as aggregate cement, aggregate bituminous or lime pozzyolan, placed in such a manner as to provide a smooth, stable, all-weather surface not subject to undue raveling. (b)Permit issued only to property owner. Sight Distance (Corner sight distance) The maximum distance that a driver can see objects such as traffic signs, pavement markings and moving objects. Permit applications: (1)Shall be submitted in person or by mail on a properly completed Department Form M-945A. 8372 (December 31, 2022). (l)Driveways relative to ramps. All disturbed portions of the highway, including slopes and all appurtenances and structures such as guard rail or drain pipes, shall be restored by the permittee to a condition at least equal to that which existed before the start of any work authorized by the permit. No, PennDOT will not cut slopes or vegetation to improve sight distance according to PA Title 67, Chapter 441, because sight distance improvement is the responsibility of the driveway owner. (3)Figures 7, 8, and 9 show two sets of design values. (iii)The permit shall be maintained by the permittee as a permanent record and remain in effect, subject to the permit conditions and this chapter, as long as the driveway or the facility authorized by the permit exists. 03-2004 : Title: PennDOT Letterhead Template Traveled wayThe portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes. All work authorized by the permit shall be subject to the following: (i)All applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including but not limited to the following: (A)Act of October 26, 1972 (P. L. 1017, No. The applicant shall pay notary and recording costs including the cost of recording the permit in the County Office of the Recorder of Deeds when required, and the cost of all drainage releases. A driveway normally used by more than 750 vehicles but less than 1500 vehicles per day, which does not normally require traffic signalization, such as: (C)service stations and small shopping centers or plazas. The term includes proposed streets, lanes, alleys, courts, and ways. (viii)A permit shall be valid only as long as the traffic volume of the driveway does not exceed the approved driveway classification as set forth in 441.8(a) of this title (relating to driveway design requirements). (2)In using Tables 1 through 6 the following additional requirements shall apply: (i)Tables 2, 4, and 6 shall be used in lieu of Tables 1, 3, and 5 only when combination traffic exceeds 5.0% of the total traffic using the proposed driveway. (vi)The permittee shall be the only party in interest in any action against the Department before the Board of Claims involving disputes arising from the permit. (6)Shall contain proof that the applicant is an owner. (2)Electrically powered devices. (7)The number of vehicles per day which are expected to utilize each proposed driveway. (B)apartments with five units or less. (3)The traffic control plan shall be either: (i)A detailed drawing, showing all traffic control devices. Angle of access driveway approach shall include the following: (1)Access driveway approaches used for two-way operation shall be positioned at right angles, that is, 90 degrees, to the highway or as near thereto as site conditions permit, except as authorized in Figure 11. (Ch. (5)Grade requirements where curbs and sidewalks are present. (2)The district office may require the applicant to submit a traffic control plan if it is anticipated that a potential hazard or interference to vehicular or pedestrian traffic will result from performance of the work. Absent an agreement on maintenance at an intersection of a city street and a state highway, the State is responsible for maintaining only that portion of the vehicular intersection between actual or extended curb lines of its highway, without any reference to sidewalks; the city is responsible for maintaining crosswalks and other areas up to the actual or extended curb lines of the state highway at the vehicular intersection. This will eliminate the need for depressing the back edge of the sidewalk. Maintenance and protection of traffic shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Department, as set forth in Publication 43 and Publication 90. See Figure 3. (a)General rule. Reg. 72 containing the Departments design standards for roadway construction. (v)the applicant executes an indemnity agreement satisfactory to the Commonwealth. (3)Applications for driveways providing access to drive-in-service developments shall, when requested, include information relative to the amount of storage provided between the service facility and the right-of-way, the number of service operations anticipated during peak periods, and the hours and days of operation. Deceleration laneThe portion of the roadway adjoining the traveled way constructed for the purpose of enabling a vehicle that is exiting a roadway to slow to a safe speed after it has left the mainstream of traffic. M950S (304) M950S PENNDOT (0304) PENNDOT DRIVEWAY SIGHT DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS (FOR LOCAL ROADS, USE PENNDOT PUB 70) APPLICANT APPLICATION NO. 1986); affirmed 518 A.2d 265 (Pa. 1986). (9)Traffic protection and maintenance. See Figure 6. (3)If, in the opinion of the Department, there is a high probability that vehicles would otherwise utilize a portion of the property frontage other than the approved driveway to gain access to the property, the permit may require curbing or other physical barriers to be constructed. (2)Confiscation of the applicants permit by a police officer or authorized representative of the Department. Smithfield v. Kessler, 882 A.2d 17, 23 (Pa. Cmwlth. (3)Figures 7, 8, and 9 show two sets of design values. changes effective through 52 Pa.B. 2000d, as implemented by 49 CFR 21 and 23 CFR 230.101 et seq. The work shall be done at such time and in such a manner as shall be consistent with the safety of the public and shall conform to all requirements and standards of the Department including, but not limited to, Form 408. These devices shall include, but not be limited to, any required regulatory, warning or guide signs, delineators, and pavement markings. (iv)The sight distance values in Tables 1 through 6 are desirable for safe operation of the driveway. In the event the Department determines that such structures, equipment, or property pose a threat to the public safety and the permittee fails to remove the same after notice from the Department to do so, the Secretary or his attorneys, or any attorney of any court of record shall be authorized to appear for the permittee, and to enter an amicable action of ejectment and confess judgment against the permittee; and the attorney shall be authorized to issue forthwith a writ of possession without leave of court, all at the cost of the permittee. The Department will examine and determine the genuineness, regularity, and legality of every application, and may reject any application if not satisfied of its genuineness, regularity or legality, or the truth of any statement contained in the application. t = Perception time of motorist (average = 2.5 seconds). (4)Cost. Comments A median is a highly desirable element on roadways carrying four or more lanes since they provide: a storage area for left-turning and U-turning vehicles; a recovery area for out-of-control vehicles; (m)Median openings. (ii)The permit shall be located at the work site and shall be available for inspection by any police officer or representative of the Department. Record the speed of the vehicle at consistent data points along the . (2) The free movement of normal highway traffic is not impaired. (v)The permittee shall be principally liable to the Department for any failure to comply with the permit and this chapter. (a)General rule. (iv)The sight distance values in Tables 1 through 6 are desirable for safe operation of the driveway. Table 3Safe Sight Distance for passenger cars and single unit trucks exiting from driveways onto four and six-lane roads. 4159. All curbing must be permanent curbing, as defined in 441.1 of this title (relating to definitions). Property line clearanceThe distance measured along the pavement edge or curb between the property frontage boundary line and the near edge of the driveway. The number and location of entrances which may be granted will be based on usage, interior and exterior traffic patterns, and current design policy of the Department. Sight distance is adequate to safely allow each . (2)Left turn stand-by lanes. Stopping sight distanceThe distance required by a driver traveling at a . (f)Site requirements. (ii)Posted speeds shall be used unless operating speeds vary from the posted speed by more than ten miles per hour, in which case the Department may require that operating speeds be used. (3)If sight distance requirements as specified in this chapter cannot be met, the Department may: (i)prohibit left turns by exiting vehicles; (ii)restrict turning movements to right turns in and out of a driveway; (iii)require installation of a right turn acceleration lane or deceleration lane; (iv)require installation of a separate left turn standby lane; (v)alter the horizontal or vertical geometry of the roadway; or. (iii)Predicted flow in cubic feet per second. (4)The Department will consider any comments or recommendations resulting from this review prior to approving the access permit. Conditions for sight distance shall be as follows: (1)Access driveways shall be located at a point within the property frontage limits which provides at least the minimum sight distance listed in the appropriate following table: Table 1Safe Sight Distance for passenger cars and single unit trucks exiting from driveways onto two-lane roads. The vehicle's height must be measured at 3.50 feet above the proposed driveway surface and highway pavement surface. (3)Revocation of the applicants permit by the Department. (1)A refund processing fee of $10 shall be deducted from the general permit inspection fees. If an auxiliary lane must be located in front of property of another person, the applicant shall be required to secure the approval of the other person or indemnify the Commonwealth against any action which the other person may bring against the Commonwealth. InspectorThe Departments authorized representative assigned to inspect permit operations. The provisions of this 441.8 amended November 27, 1981, effective October 17, 1981, 11 Pa. B. The permittee shall fully indemnify and save harmless and defend the Commonwealth, its agents and employes, of and from all liability for damages or injury occurring to any person or persons or property through or in consequence of any act or omission of any contractor, agent, servant, employe, or person engaged or employed in, about, or upon the work, by, at the instance, or with the approval or consent of the permittee; from any failure of the permittee or any such person to comply with the permit or this chapter; and, for a period of two years after completion of the permitted work, from the failure of the highway in the immediate area of the work performed under the permit where there is no similar failure of the highway beyond the area adjacent to the area of the permitted work. (5)Charitable organizations which are exempt from or in compliance with act of August 9, 1963, P. L. 628, No. A driveway normally used by not more than 25 vehicles per day, such as: (A)single family dwellings, duplex houses; or. (3)an access covenant (Form CC-14) is executed with the permit as specified in paragraph (16) of 441.6 of this title (relating to general conditions). (2)Issuance of a permit shall be conditioned upon the Departments approval of the drainage control plan. (iii)The access covenant shall become a part of the permit, which shall be recorded in the County Office of the Recorder of Deeds. A description of each classification and typical examples of land uses normally associated with each follows: (i)Minimum use driveway, see Figure 7. 2. . This chapter separates driveways into four classifications, based on the amount of traffic they are expected to serve. The permittee shall, when requested by the Department, submit to the district office a certificate or certificates of insurance for public liability and property damage, in form and amount satisfactory to the Department, to cover any loss that may be incurred for or on account of any matter, cause, or thing arising out of the permitted construction. Ramps are intended to provide access from one roadway or roadway system to another with a minimum amount of conflict or interference from other traffic. (5)Grade requirements where curbs and sidewalks are present. Requirements for curbing shall conform with the following: (1)The permit may require the installation of curbing wherever it is required to control access or drainage, or both. Requirements for traffic control devices shall be as follows: (1)Nonelectrically powered devices. PlansDrawings which show the location, character, and dimensions of the proposed occupancy and related highway features, including layouts, profiles, cross sections, drainage, and other details. This section cited in 67 Pa. Code 441.6 (relating to general conditions). 8372 (December 31, 2022). Dimensions shall be selected from the range of values shown on the appropriate figure, unless site conditions warrant a deviation. (2)Where property abutting the right-of-way line could be used as parking area, the permit may require curbing, permanent guardrail, or fencing to be constructed along the right-of-way line in order to prohibit vehicle encroachment upon the sidewalk or shoulder area. The applicant shall design his driveway using the values appropriate for the posted speed of the roadway being accessed. See Figure 11 and Figure 12. A shared driveway serving only two dwelling units should be a minimum of 10 feet wide as long as a paved pullover area is provided. Table 4Safe Sight Distance for buses and combinations exiting from driveways onto four and six-lane roads. BRIDLE PATH SIGN (W11-104) The Bridle Path Sign (W11-104) shall be authorized for use along roads where a number of horses normally walk beside or cross the roadway. This section cited in 67 Pa. Code 441.8 (relating to driveway design requirements). Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (358426) and (216115) to (216117). (a)Permit issuance fees. (4)The area between the right-of-way line adjacent to and on both sides of a driveway shall be used as a clear zone to provide a physical barrier between the traveled way and activity on private property. (3)Requests for removal of a median divisor will not be granted without the approval of the director. General requirements shall be as follows: (1)The ability of a driveway to safely and efficiently function as an integral component of a highway system requires that its design and construction be based on the amount and type of traffic that it is expected to serve and the type and character of roadway which it accesses. (m)Median openings. Site requirements shall be as follows: (1)All nonresidential buildings shall be located a sufficient distance from the right-of-way line to provide ample driving area and parking off the right-of-way to prevent storage of vehicles on the access driveways and to prevent the back-up and turning of vehicles on the highway pavement. 67 Pa. Code 441.8. (B)apartments with five units or less. f = Wet friction of pavement (average = 0.30). The available corner sight distance on side roads is less than the necessary stopping sight-distance values . Spacing may be a concern if it could affect ISD as shown below. (2)Electrically powered devices. (3)Governmental authorities organized under the laws of this Commonwealth. Roadway construction standardsDepartment Publication No. District officeAny of the 11 engineering district offices of the Department. Table 4Safe Sight Distance for buses and combinations exiting from driveways onto four and six-lane roads. Intermediate islandThe section of right-of-way between driveways from the pavement edge or curb to the property line. Permits are not required for the placing of newspaper receptacles or mail boxes, although their location is subject to the maintenance requirements of the Department. (ix)The Department, in granting a permit, will waive none of its powers or rights to require the future change in operation, removal, relocation, or proper maintenance of any access within State highway right-of-way. The minimum acceptable sight distance values shall be computed from the following formula: SSSD = Minimum safe stopping sight distance (feet). Figures 7 through 12 illustrate and supplement the minimum design requirements described in this chapter. Grade of access driveway shall be constructed in the following manner: (1)All driveways shall be constructed so as not to impair drainage within the right-of-way, alter the stability of the improved area, or change the drainage of adjacent areas. Driveway Sight Distance Measurements . See Figure 5. Disposition of materials shall comply with the following: (i)The permittee shall keep the improved area free of all material which may be deposited by vehicles traveling upon or entering onto the highway during the performance of work authorized by the permit. Materials used in the construction of driveways shall meet the requirements of Form 408. Table 6Safe Sight Distance for buses and combinations entering driveways by left turns. Allow no more than three dwelling units to gain access to a private driveway. PennDOT: Please refer to the driveway design requirements, sec on 441.8, page 441-25 of the Pennsylvania Code, Title 67, Transporta on, Chapter 441, . PennDOT issues a variety of different Highway Occupancy Permits (HOPs) to property owners, developers, utility companies, municipalities and municipal authorities, and other interested parties who desire access to the state's right-of-way. (l)Driveways relative to ramps. See Figure 6. (3)The side slopes for driveway embankments within the right-of-way shall not be steeper than ten to one. The amount of depression shall not exceed 1 1/2 inches at the inner edge of the sidewalk. (ii)Posted speeds shall be used unless operating speeds vary from the posted speed by more than ten miles per hour, in which case the Department may require that operating speeds be used. (c)Authority. Prior to revocation of a permit except for nonpayment as specified in paragraph (2), the applicant shall be given an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (62045) and (62046). Where the width of the highway right-of-way is insufficient to permit the construction of a needed auxiliary lane, the permittee shall provide any necessary additional right-of-way. The applicant shall design his driveway using the values appropriate for the posted speed of the roadway being accessed. (c)Specific location restrictions. E-ZPass Customer Service Center: 877-736-6727. All curbing must be permanent curbing, as defined in 441.1 of this title (relating to definitions). (D) When the road descends at greater than 5.0%, sight distance may be reduced by a factor of 0.5. 4159. The location of the pullover area should be based on reasonable sight distance. MedianAny structure or area which separates the paved traveled ways for opposing directions of traffic. Crigler v. City of Philadelphia, 667 A.2d 470 (Pa. Cmwlth. EquipmentAll machinery and equipment, together with the necessary supplies for upkeep and maintenance, and also tools and apparatus necessary for the proper construction and completion of the work. (2)A left turn standby lane shall be installed to separate and protect left turning vehicles whenever a median opening is permitted. 670-420). (iii)Medium volume driveway, see Figures 9, 11, and 12. (3)Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection may be waived only if the intersecting highway radius extends along the property frontage to the extent that compliance is physically impossible. Driveways serving properties located adjacent to a highway intersection shall be subject to the following: (1)There shall be a minimum ten foot tangent distance between the intersecting highway radius and the radius of the first permitted driveway. The term includes existing or proposed streets, lanes, alleys, courts, and ways. Materials used in the construction of driveways shall meet the requirements of Form 408. 1 Measured from the point where a left-turning vehicle stops to a vehicle in the outside lane. See Figure 5. Sight distance values less than desirable will be accepted only if it is impossible to achieve the desirable value by locating the driveway at any point within the property frontage boundaries. A description of each classification and typical examples of land uses normally associated with each follows: (i)Minimum use driveway, see Figure 7. PennDOT Recommended use of AASHTO standards. Driveway approaches shall conform to the following standards: (1)The location and angle of an access driveway approach in relation to the highway intersection shall be such that a vehicle entering or leaving the driveway may do so in an orderly and safe manner and with a minimum of interference to highway traffic. (c)Driveways adjacent to intersections. Stopping sight distanceThe distance required by a driver traveling at a given speed to stop the vehicle after an object on the roadway becomes visible to the driver. In case any dispute arises between the permittee and the Departments inspector, the Departments inspector shall have the authority to suspend work until the question at issue can be referred to and be decided by the district office.

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