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Were more in favor of group rather than individual action for dealing withdiscrimination.c. The individual level of identity is the most important level to consider whenworking with a client. People feel they have an honored place at the table.c. "paranoid reactions and suspicions"c. "anxiety and depression"d. "inability to pay for counseling, A counselor that is not culturally competent may interpret an Asian client whoshows respect for a clinician who is older and "wiser" by being silent as:a. Inarticulate and unintelligent.b. All too often, counseling and psychotherapy seem to ignore which dimension ofhuman existence?a. None of the above. Clark and Sue both discussed feeling like they were outsiders duringgraduate school. Cultural encapsulation.b. IC-IR.b. c. EC-IR. A person of color who shows deference to the White counselor most likely haswhich worldview?a. What is true regarding the case of Vang? Scientific Empiricism. Behavioral. Different cultural groups may be more receptive to certain counseling st. To White Euro-Americans, the presence of affect in a communication might beseen as:a. Moving.b. c. It assumes that insight always leads to behavior change. Anticipate potential conflicts in belief systems that might hinder the ability tobe therapeutically effective.b. A problem with the phrase teaching tolerance is: a. Openness, sincerity, confidentiality, genuineness.b. Rather than labeling thoughts as rational or irrational, the terms "helpful thoughts" and "unhelpful thoughts" are used. Rushing to help a disabled person onto public transportation could potentially signalto them that:a. The vision quest is used by some American Indians as a religious renewal or rite of passage. Dissonance Stage.c. The statement that clients are responsible for their own actions and predicaments represents: a. Asian psychologies focus on enlightenment and ideal mental health rather thanpsychopathology. Strongly correlated with race, culture, and ethnicity.b. A shaman is a male healer who is able to communicate with the spirit world. c. The genetically deficient model. They are unimportant to society.d. Scientific methods.b. c. Counselor-centered. Diversity.c. g. None of the above. a. c. Haughty or aloof. Culture-. He was afraid that telling the school of the abuse would cause his family to be deported. 2 They may feel isolated or disempowered by the heightened, unbalanced power dynamics created by systematic marginalization. Sadness. b. According to Ruiz, fragmentation of ethnic identity and rejection ofChicano/Latino heritage is associated with the:a. Causal Stage.b. Studies in, Which statement about the differences between Black and White styles ofcommunication is inaccurate?a. Of the biased nature of the services themselves. Had cultural credentials. Intellectual competence. Counselors' acceptance of potential benefits of spirituality as a means of coping with helplessness, powerlessness, and identity issues is: a. a. Preparing counselors with multicultural expertise means: a. b. Have a detrimental impact upon marginalized groups. b. Bias is a little studied but viable explanation for these disparities. Often occur when there are no plausible alternative explanations. b. Hispanic Americans. b. IC-ER. Cultural competence is superordinate clinical competence. d. It is very difficult to recruit participants for clinical trials. As a counselor, what stereotypes, perceptions, and beliefs about culturally diversegroups do you personally and professionally hold that may hinder your ability toform a helpful and effective relationship? d. All of the above. c. Heterosexism. Whites have been s. ________________ interventions are increasingly promoted in social work,school psychology, clinical psychology, counseling, and psychiatry. d. Anger, shame, guilt. What type of orientation has characterized counseling practice? The study of kinesics refers to perception and use of personal and interpersonalspace. Therapists of color are more qualified to understand clients' feelings of inferiorityand rejection because of their own experiences of racism and discrimination. What happens in the therapist' s office may represent a microcosm of racerelations in the larger society.c. Incorporating tribal practices and rituals into an aspect of a Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) treatment for an American Indian represents: a. An Indian belief.b. b. b. Dissonance Stage. The counselor is asking th, People of African descent may be especially reluctant to disclose to Whitecounselors because:a. ______________ involves the therapist's emotional reaction to the client based onthe therapist's own set of attitudes, beliefs, values, or experiences. Measures the degree of responsibility of blame placed o. Many members of marginalized groups feel that the reality of their oppressive experiences is ignored by those in power because of their own discomfort. b. Undressing in public is a cultural taboo. An egalitarian stance and encouragement of sharing and self-disclosure facilitatesthe development of empathy. d. All of the above. A culturally competent perspective.d. IC-ER.c. Which of the following has been described as the most dominant affective expression emphasized by collectivism: a. The flight from ambiguity. Therapeutic modalities should be consistent with the lifestyles andcultural systems of c, One important concept of developing appropriate intervention strategies is to:a. Often occur when there are no plausible alternative explanations.c. Spirituality involves a specific doctrine and particular system of beliefs. To White Euro-Americans, the presence of affect in a communication might be seen as: a. EC-ER. White privilege. d. White privilege. Shifting the dialogue to other group differences such as gender.c. All of the above. The term control ideology refers to: a. Ignoring the thoughts of others. Become stronger. You believe they cannot help themselves. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client:a. b. Passivity. The authors of The Bell Curve (Herrntein & Murray, 1994) contend that programs suchas Head Start and Affirmative Action are helpful in eliminating deficits in education. b. Which of the following refers to the Native Hawaiian termination ritual in whichfood is offered to the gods and the participants:a. Pule weke.b. c. Low in his/her racial identity. U.S. society is characterized by which philosophy?a. The publication of The Bell Curve represents which of the following: a. People's ability to shape their own fate. None of t, Which minority group is most likely to have a kinship system in which individualswith a variety of blood and emotional ties (aunts, uncles, preachers, boyfriends,etc.) Is able not to personalize hostility expressed toward him or her. c. The realization that all individuals commit racist acts. Social therapy is needed. View the problem as residing primarily in the environment. The term thuoc nam spoken by Mrs. Nguyen to the counselor signified:a. Visiting places of worship.d. His distressing symptoms involved severe headaches and hearing voices.b. c. Shame. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Tend to be obvious, direct, and intentional. Creating a community that is more inclusive and equitable in its treatment ofracial/ethnic minorities.c. Your client, Michael, from a lower socioeconomic background may have a low regard for punctuality because: a. Characteristics such as facial expression, posture, characteristics of movement,gestures, and eye contact are:a. Kinesics.b. d. All of the above. d. Integrated Person. d. EC-ER. (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore. a. Negates important aspect of people of color's identity. An agreement on _________ between the therapist and client is an importantrelationship variable. Assertiveness training represents the White cultural value of emotional and behavioral expressiveness. ; ; etina; Dansk; Deutsch; Eesti; ; Espaol; Esperanto; Euskara; ; Franais; ; d. None of the above. Includes a vision of society in which distribution of resources is equitable and all members are safe and secure. Social therapy is needed.c. d. Mental health professionals are too culturally competent. Low in his/. Fair and equitable practice.b. d. Racial identity. b. A counselor that is not culturally competent may interpret an Asian client who shows respect for a clinician who is older and "wiser" by being silent as: a. Inarticulate and unintelligent. In the Ruiz model of Latino identity development, the _____________ stage ischaracterized by feelings of shame and embarrassment about ethnic markers suchas skin color, accent, customs, and so on. A paragraph is a related group of sentences that develops one main idea. Western therapy does not oppress people of color & so-called psychological problems of minority groups may reside not within but outside of our clients. b. Blatant and harmful treatment of women [overt sexism] that is conscious and deliberate. c. Susto. You see them as chronically dependent.c. The full understanding of institutionalized racism.b. The client is passive, repressed, or inhibited. Anticipate potential conflicts in belief systems that might hinder the ability to be therapeutically effective. Western therapy does not oppress people of color. It is important to isolate bias from other barriers to high-quality mental health care and to . d. Both a and c. Years of agricultural work and years of exposure to pesticides could have contributed to Fernando M.'s: a. Guilt. Which quadrant is associated with "I'm okay and have control over myself" and"Society is okay, and I can make it in this system"?a. putter loft and lie adjustment; you my baby daddy i want child support; apartments for rent in gander nl; Search c. Building a healthy validating society for all groups. c. A measure of belief about the role of internal forces in determining success and failure in society. The manuals can be very difficult to follow.c. In developing culturally appropriate systems interventions.b. a. IC-IR. June 12, 2022 . Microaggressions: a. b. Make clients feel they are not accepted unless they conform to other's standards . The author asserts that it is important to understand indigenous healing practices in order to: a. c. Offered herself as the chief instrument of cure. They generally take a long time to conduct. c. An example of merging evidence-based practice and multicultural counseling. Rational. b. d. People's ability to control their level of self-esteem. Drs. A person high in system blame and external control (EC-ER) may exhibit learnedhelplessness as a reaction to racism and discrimination. c. The knowledge that the individual level of personal identity is more important than the group level of personal identity. An Afro-centric perspective.d. Question 17 1 out of 1 points Which minority group is most likely to have a kinship system in which . b. The universal level is consistent with social science research. Now, I'm giving you the tools and support to shine in your . He does not own a watch.b. How can the Racial Cultural Identity Development Model be helpful to counselors? b. Collectivistic cultural values. Validate . Treatment was only temporarily successful.d. Immersion/emersion.d. Individual. c. Overemphasize the exploration of counselor values and beliefs. The term microaggression was first coined by Derald Wing Sue to refer to dailyput-downs that Asian Americans face. a. Situation-centered. f. None of the above. Feel empowered as he/she can take the lead in session. Revamping our training programs to include accurate and realisticmulticultural content and experiences.b. Dispassionate.d. Legislation advancing to the Senate included propositions allowing schools to use vehicles other than school buses to transport students (HB 51), moving the Office of Charter School Compliance to . African Americans believe in espiritismo, a world where spirits can have a major impact on people residing in the physical world. I'm a visual storyteller, content creator, entrepreneur, and mom. Discipline.d. The client is guarded and paranoid. Prior to this, she was a Cloud Solution Architect and also worked in Technology, Data & Analytics at PwC where she specialised in project & programme management as well as data analytics. d. Scientific Empiricism. You believe they cannot help themselves b. you see them as chronically dependent c. They are unimportant to society d. a and b. Subgroup. In order to be a culturally competent therapist, one should try to avoid theirpersonal feelings and previous experiences with race, culture, and gender. b. I create and deploy bioinformatic tools to identify genetic aberrations in matched cell-free DNA and tumour cell samples to determine their concordance. Nonlinear, holistic, harmonious, and intuitive thinking have been described as characterizing: a. Resistance and Immersion Stage.c. b. Confrontational. b. The genetically deficient model. Effective management of countertransference.c. d. None of the above. Which of the following is true regarding interpretation of verbal and nonverbal communication? e. Racism is more likely to be covert. All of the above.e. How a person perceives his or her relationship to nature, institutions, people, and the experiential world. While minority groups may discriminate, they do not have the systemic power to oppress on a large-scale basis. Helping professionals have a moral and ethical responsibility to address suchissues as racism, sexism, and homophobia.b. In the United States, minority groups are unlikely to inherit biases and discriminatory beliefs toward other minority groups. The power of nonverbal communication is that it operates primarily underconscious control.b. Reliance on communal, group, and family networks to problem solve in agro, Studies suggest that which two pathologies are most frequently found withrefugees from Southeast Asia:a. Schizophrenia and Dependent Personality Disorderb. He doesn't like the concept of time. d. All of the above. For the past 20+ years, I've worked on screen and behind the camera to help a whole gamut of story makers, including scientists, savants, farmers, doctors, successful entrepreneurs, politicians, and Academy Award winners, share their unique message with the world.

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